Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4385

Esthesioneuroepithelioma Olfactory, Esthesioepithelioma)


Esthesioneuroepithelioma, also known as olfactory esthesioepithelioma, is a rare but dangerous form of cancer that develops from olfactory neuroepithelial cells. This tum ...

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Hydrocephalocele is a congenital malformation in which the meninges filled with cerebrospinal fluid protrude through a defect in the bones of the skull. This condition oc ...

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A thalamotomy is a surgical operation on the thalamus, the part of the brain responsible for transmitting sensory information to the cerebral cortex. During thalamotomy, ...

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Estriol is a female sex hormone, which is a metabolic product of estradiol and has much less activity compared to it. Estriol is produced primarily in the placenta during ...

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Tunica Albuginea of ​​Corpus Spongiosum


Tunica Albuginea: Structure and Role in Male Anatomy The tunica albuginea corporis spongiosi (PNA) is an important structure in the male anatomy that plays a key role in ...

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Bathyhyperaesthesia is a state of excessive sensitivity of deep tissues and organs. The term comes from the Greek words "bathys", meaning "deep", and "hyperaesthesia", me ...

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Perimetry Static


Perimetry Static: Determination of the Visual Field Using Fixed Light Test Objects Perimetry is a method for assessing visual functions that allows you to determine the b ...

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Psychiatry Comparative


Comparative psychiatry is a branch of psychiatry that studies the role of various factors in the origin, characteristics of the course and manifestation of mental illness ...

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Bonnet Cavernous Sinus Syndrome


Bonnet Cavernous Sinus Syndrome: description and treatment Bonnet Cavernous Sinus Syndrome is a rare disease that is associated with dysfunction of the cavernous sinus lo ...

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Pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Ber; synonym: Weixelbaum diplococcus, Frenkel diplococcus) is a gram-positive diplococcus belonging to the genus Streptococcus. It ...

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