Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4461

Goiter Aberrant


Aberrant goiter (s. aberrata; synonym: s. accessory, s. ectopic) is a pathological formation of thyroid tissue located outside its usual location. An aberrant goiter is a ...

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Radiodiagnostic device


Radiodiagnostic device: how it works and how it helps in diagnosing diseases A radiodiagnostic device is a device used in medicine for radioisotope diagnostics. It is bas ...

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Venous Arch Palmar Deep


Venous Arch Palmar Deep: Structure and Function The deep palmar venous arch (arcus venosus palmaris profundus, PNA) is a venous vascular complex located inside the palm. ...

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Adenohypophysis (adenohypophysis, pna, lnh; adeno- + pituitary gland; syn. anterior pituitary gland) - the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which develops from the e ...

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Malaria therapy Malaria therapy is a method of inducing hyperthermia for therapeutic purposes, involving infection with malaria. It is used, for example, in the treatment ...

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Vitreocorneal adhesions


Vitreocorneal adhesions are anatomical structures formed by the connection of the vitreous body and the cornea of ​​the eye. They are thin fibers that run through the spa ...

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Echotachocardiograph: operating principle and application An echotachocardiograph (ETHOCG) is a high-tech medical equipment used to examine the patient’s heart and blood ...

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Hypergia (from the Greek hyper - excessive and ergon - action, work) is a pathologically increased motor activity, manifested in the form of excessive movements and actio ...

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Kyasanur Forest Disease


Kyasanur Forest Disease (also known as Kyasanur Forest Disease) is a viral disease transmitted by rodents. It was first discovered in 1957 in a village in the Kyasanur fo ...

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"Vegetative: what is it and how is it related to plant life" Vegetative is a term that refers to the processes involved in the growth and development of plants. This term ...

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