Venous Arch Palmar Deep

Venous Arch Palmar Deep: Structure and Function

The deep palmar venous arch (arcus venosus palmaris profundus, PNA) is a venous vascular complex located inside the palm. It is an important structure that ensures effective blood circulation in the hand.

Structure of the Palmar Deep Venous Arch

The palmar deep venous arch is formed from numerous small veins that run along the surface of the bones of the palm. These veins connect with each other in several places, forming large collectors, which subsequently merge into a single structure - the Palmar Deep Venous Arch.

The Palmar Deep Venous Arch is located inside the hand, at a depth of about 1-2 cm from the surface of the skin. It is located between the bones of the palm and the muscles that contract when the hand moves. This protects the Palmar Deep Venous Arch from injury and damage.

Functions of the Palmar Deep Venous Arch

The Palmar Deep Venous Arch plays an important role in the blood circulation of the arm. It collects blood from small veins located in the hand and transfers it to large veins that run up the arm. This allows blood to circulate effectively in the arm and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and organs of the arm.

In addition, the Palmar Profunda Venous Arch is an important structure for medical procedures such as drawing blood from a vein. Due to its location inside the palm, it is easier to access for blood collection than other veins in the arm.


The Palmar Deep Venous Arch is an important structure that ensures effective blood circulation in the arm. It plays a key role in transporting blood from the small veins to the large veins that run up the arm. In addition, it facilitates the collection of blood for medical procedures. Knowing about the Palmar Venous Arch is important for understanding the function of the hand and its anatomy.