Spondyloarthrosis Lumbar

Spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine is one of the most common diseases among older people. This is a chronic degenerative disease that manifests itself in changes in the structure and function of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The disease results in pain, limited movement and impaired quality of life.

The main reasons for the development of spondyloarthrosis are age-related changes, metabolic disorders, heredity, trauma and stress on the spine. In this case, metabolic disorders and heredity play the most significant role.

Symptoms of spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine include pain in the lumbar region, limitation of movements, stiffness in the lumbar spine, pain with movement, and sensory disturbances in the legs. In severe cases of the disease, sciatica may develop - pain that spreads along the sciatic nerve into the leg.

To diagnose spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine, various research methods are used: radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, laboratory tests.

Treatment of spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine is aimed at reducing pain, restoring movement and preventing the progression of the disease. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, physiotherapeutic methods, massage, and physical rehabilitation exercises are used.

Overall, spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine is a serious disease that can significantly limit the quality of life. However, modern diagnostic and treatment methods can effectively combat this disease and improve the quality of life of patients. If you suspect the development of spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine, consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

**Spondyloarthrosis or spondyloarthritis**

Spondyloartitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the joints surrounding the spine. The cause of this disease is usually degenerative-dystrophic lesions, spinal dysplasia and inflammatory dystrophies of the joints. This type of disease is characterized by a gradual course; the process is accompanied by pain of varying intensity and dysfunction of the spine.