Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4534



Polymers are high molecular weight substances formed from long chains of monomers such as glucose. They are widely used in various industries and sciences due to their un ...

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Dosimeter (Dosimeter)


A dosimeter is a device for determining the amount of radioactive radiation received by people working with X-rays or any other radioactive radiation. Usually it includes ...

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Afthongia (from the Greek "aphthongos" - voiceless, speechless) is the loss of the ability to produce speech sounds. This is a speech disorder in which a person cannot pr ...

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Dental Care


Dental care (synonym - dental care) is a set of therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at maintaining the patient’s dental health. Dental care includes: Diagnosis an ...

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Anemia Ahresticheskaya


Acrestic anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment Acrestic anemia, also known as chronic posthemorrhagic anemia, is a form of anemia characterized by low levels of hemoglob ...

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Posterior Cutaneous Nerve Syndrome


Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Syndrome is a neuropathic disorder characterized by pain and numbness in the posterior thigh, buttock, and posterior knee. This disease ...

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Thalassemia, Cooley S Anaemia


Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that is widespread in Mediterranean, Asian and African countries. It is characterized by the presence of an abnormality in the ...

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Collapse: how civilizations suddenly fall The word "collapse" in Latin means "sudden fall." This is exactly the kind of fall that can happen to civilizations that seem to ...

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Cystitis Proliferative Polyposis


Proliferative polypous cystitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bladder, characterized by the formation of multiple polypoid growths of the mucous membrane. Reas ...

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Express Prosthetics


Express Prosthetics: How to quickly return to a full life after amputation Amputation is a difficult blow for any person. Restriction of movement, loss of autonomy and in ...

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