Express Prosthetics

Express Prosthetics: How to quickly return to a full life after amputation

Amputation is a difficult blow for any person. Restriction of movement, loss of autonomy and independence - all this can lead to serious depressive conditions. However, modern medicine does not stand still and offers new methods of treatment and rehabilitation. One of these methods is express prosthetics.

Express prosthetics is the production of a temporary prosthesis immediately after amputation, without the need to remove the patient from the operating table. This allows you to begin learning to use the prosthesis immediately after surgery, which facilitates faster adaptation to new living conditions and speeds up the process of returning to normal activities.

In addition, express prosthetics allows for early preparation of the stump for permanent wearing of the prosthesis. This is important because the loss of a limb can lead to decreased muscle mass and weakened muscles, making it difficult to subsequently use a prosthesis.

The process of making a temporary prosthesis involves creating a plaster mold that closely matches the shape of the rest of the limb. Then, based on this mold, a temporary prosthesis is made from soft materials, which makes it possible to begin learning to use the prosthesis immediately after surgery.

It is important to note that express prosthetics does not replace a permanent prosthesis, but is the first step towards adaptation to new living conditions. The permanent prosthesis is made after the stump reaches the desired shape and muscle mass. However, with rapid prosthetics, patients can begin learning to use a prosthesis at an earlier stage and quickly regain their independence and quality of life.

Express prosthetics is a new approach to the rehabilitation of patients after amputation. Thanks to this method, patients can quickly adapt to new living conditions and return to full activity. This is an important step in the development of medicine and can improve the quality of life of many people.

Express Prosthetics: A New Approach to Restoring Limb Functions

How often have we heard that a person becomes disabled as a result of the loss of a limb or injury. These tragic events lead to major changes in a person's life and can cause great harm to their physical and mental health. But recently a new approach to solving this problem has appeared in the world - express prosthetics.

Express prosthetics is the process of making a temporary prosthesis immediately after amputation. This method allows you to quickly and effectively restore limb function and provide the patient with the opportunity to return to a full life. Instead of waiting a long time for permanent dentures to be ready, the patient can begin learning how to operate their temporary denture right away.