Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4622



Chiladenectasia is a rare disease of the lymphatic system, characterized by dilation of lymphatic vessels and nodes due to the accumulation of lymph in them. The reasons ...

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Compensatory Pause


Compensatory pause: what is it and why is it needed? When we speak, our breathing and speech are closely related to each other. In order to pronounce a word or phrase, we ...

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Radiation Ionizing


Ionizing radiation: what is it and how does it affect our health? Ionizing radiation is electromagnetic or particle radiation that has sufficient energy to ionize the ato ...

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Förster's Symptom


Förster's symptom Förster's sign is a neurological symptom described by the German neurologist and psychiatrist Otfried Förster at the beginning of the 20th century. This ...

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Weigert-Meyer Law


Weigert-Meyer law: basics and application In medical pathology, there are many patterns and principles that help in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. One such law ...

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Discoligamentosis: causes, symptoms and treatment Discoligamentosis is a pathological condition that is characterized by damage to the intervertebral disc and ligaments c ...

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Medicine Sports


Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that studies the influence of physical education and sports on the human body as factors in promoting health, increasing performan ...

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Proctorrhaphy is a surgical procedure aimed at repairing tears in the rectum or anus. This procedure is performed to treat various diseases such as anal fissures, hemorrh ...

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Occupational Hazards


Occupational hazards Occupational hazards are factors in the labor process and production environment that can directly or indirectly cause health problems for workers. O ...

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Endocarditis Diffuse


Diffuse endocarditis: causes, symptoms and treatment Diffuse endocarditis (or e. diffusa) is a serious disease that is characterized by inflammation of the endocardium (t ...

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