Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4620

Vertebral Tenderloin Inferior


Inferior vertebral notch: functions and anatomy The inferior vertebral notch (incisura vertebralis inferior, pna, bna; incisura vertebralis caudalis, jna) is an important ...

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Reflex Conditioned of Higher Orders


A conditioned reflex of higher orders is a reflex that occurs when reinforced by previously developed conditioned stimuli. Conditioned reflexes of higher orders are forme ...

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Smoothing tool: dental tool for forming fillings Dentistry is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of teeth and oral cavity. During dental treatment, the de ...

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Probe (Sound)


A probe (in surgery) is a long, rod-shaped instrument, often with a curved end, that is used to examine various body cavities (for example, the bladder) or to dilate stri ...

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Actinomycoma is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by actinomycetes (radiant fungi). It is characterized by the formation of granulomas with central necrosis and prol ...

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Medical evacuation By purpose


Medical evacuation by appointment: what it is and how it works Medical evacuation by appointment (E.m.) is the process of moving patients from one medical institution to ...

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Atopen (Atopen)


Atopen is any substance that leads to the development of atopy. Atopy is the body's predisposition to allergic reactions due to hereditary factors. Atopenes are triggers ...

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A Bistoury is a surgical instrument that is used to perform various medical procedures, including surgery. It is a narrow knife with a straight or rounded blade, which ca ...

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Syndesmology is a branch of anatomy that studies bone connections and their structure. In a scientific sense, syndesmology is an important field of medicine that helps in ...

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Colpocytodiagnosis (also known as Papanicolaou test) is a cytological test used for the early diagnosis of cervical cancer and other diseases of the cervix. The essence o ...

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