Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4618

Hypochondria Persecutory


Persecutory hypochondria (hypochondria persecutoria; lat. persecutio - persecution) is a type of hypochondria in which the patient is convinced that he is being persecute ...

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A synapse (from the Greek “contact”, “connection”) is a contact between two nerve cells through which nerve impulses are transmitted. A synapse is formed between the axon ...

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Dimples Granulations


Granulation dimples (foveolae granulares, pna, bna, jna; synonym Pachyon's fossae) are small depressions in the epithelium of the mucous membrane above small accumulation ...

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Paraganglioma is a benign tumor that develops from paraganglia (accessory adrenal glands). Typically, paragangliomas are localized in the abdominal aorta and pelvis. The ...

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Pathological Process Local


A local pathological process is a process that occurs within a specific organ or tissue of the body. Local pathological processes are limited to damage to specific cells, ...

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Kinetocardiogram: what is it and why is it needed? Kinetocardiogram (KCG) is a method of studying cardiac activity based on recording the movement of the patient's chest ...

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Loose Shoulder Symptom


Loose shoulder girdle sign (also known as flaccid shoulder sign) is a clinical sign characterized by excessive mobility and looseness of the shoulder girdle. This symptom ...

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Beta Therapy


Beta therapy is a type of radiation therapy based on the effect of beta radiation of radioactive isotopes on pathologically altered tissues. Beta therapy uses radioactive ...

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Depression Smiling


Smiling depression is a type of depression in which an extremely depressed mood is combined with an ironic or mournful smile. People with smiling depression experience al ...

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Cystic-proliferative mastopathy


Cystic proliferative mastopathy, also known as Schimmelbusch disease, is one of the most common breast diseases in women. This is a benign disease that is characterized b ...

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