Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4682

Hallucinations Static


Static hallucinations Static hallucinations (h. staticae; synonym: g. stable, g. stereotypical, kalbaum stable hallucinations) are a type of hallucination in which the pa ...

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Rechlorination of Water


Water overchlorination: what is it and why is it needed? Water overchlorination is a water treatment process that involves adding excess chlorine to it. This process is a ...

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Tibial Veins Anterior


Anterior Tibial Veins: Anatomy and Functions Anterior tibial veins (abbreviated as PNA, BNA, JNA) are an important component of the venous system of the human lower extre ...

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Inflammation Demarcation


Demarcation inflammation (French demarcation demarcation; synonym: v. defensive, v. protective, v. limiting) is inflammation aimed at localizing and limiting damage/infec ...

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Thyroid adenoma Toxic


Toxic thyroid adenoma (adenoma glandulae thyreoideae toxicum) is a benign tumor of the thyroid gland that is capable of producing excess amounts of the hormones thyroxine ...

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Krabbe Disease


Krabbe Disease: Understanding, Diagnosis and Treatment Krabbe disease, also known as galactosylceramidase deficiency disease, is a rare inherited disorder of the nervous ...

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Stransky-Regal Syndrome


Stransky-Regal Syndrome: what is it? Stransky-Regala Syndrome, also known as Stransky-Regala syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder that was described at the end of the 19t ...

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Homogentisic Acid


Homogentisic acid Homogentisic acid is an intermediate product of the metabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine, which is 2,5-dioxyphenylacetic acid. Homogentisic acid is ...

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Radiation Hygiene Doctor


Radiation hygiene doctor A sanitary doctor in radiation hygiene is a specialist trained in the implementation of state sanitary supervision over working conditions when w ...

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Galli-Mainini Reaction


The Galli-Mainini test is an immunological test used to diagnose syphilis. It was developed by Argentine physician Salvador Galli-Mainini in the early 20th century. The t ...

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