Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4684

Activated carbon


Activated carbon (carbo activatus; syn. active carbon) is a carbonaceous material with a developed porous structure and a very large internal surface. It is obtained by c ...

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Psychotomimetics (psychoto mimetica; from the words psychosis and the Greek mimetikos - capable of imitation, imitating) are a group of psychoactive substances that can c ...

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Deodorizing Products


Deodorants are substances used to prevent the formation, eliminate or weaken unpleasant odors. Deodorants are used to combat unpleasant odors emanating from the human bod ...

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Ventriculostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an opening connecting the ventricles of the brain to the subarachnoid space. This surgery is performed to treat intra ...

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Antiperistalsis Antiperistalsis is a backward wave that occurs in the digestive tract that moves toward the mouth (i.e., up or away from the direction of normal passage o ...

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Riza-Blodie Syndrome


Reese-Blody syndrome - (A.V. Riza, American ophthalmologist of the 20th century; F.D. Bloody, American ophthalmologist of the 20th century) - a syndrome characterized by ...

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Professional Selection


Professional selection is a set of activities whose purpose is to select the most suitable candidates to perform a certain type of work activity. This takes into account ...

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Blood exfusion


Blood exfusion: what is it and what are the causes? Blood exfusion is the medical term for the leakage of blood from blood vessels outside the cardiovascular system. This ...

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Antral: understanding the cavernous body cavities Antral is a term derived from the Latin word "antrum", which means cave or body cavity. The term is often used in medici ...

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Tendon Ring General


The common tendon ring (annulus tendinous communis, pna, bna, jna; synonym: ring of Zinn) is a fibrous ring formed by the fusion of the tendons of the quadriceps femoris ...

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