Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4679

Excitement Catatonic Confused-Pathetic


Agitation Catatonic Confused-Pathetic: Description and Treatment Catatonic, confused-pathetic excitement is the initial stage of the development of catatonic syndrome, wh ...

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The gene is pleiotropic


A pleiotropic gene is a gene that has multiple effects on the phenotype of an organism. Such genes influence the development and functioning of several, often unrelated, ...

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Black Heel


Black Heel: what is it and why does it occur? Black Heel, also known as Black Heel, is a skin condition in which a dark patch appears on the area of ​​skin located above ...

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Endodyogeny (from the Greek words endo - inside and dio - two and genea - generation), also known as internal budding, is a method of asexual reproduction in which new in ...

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The blastocyst is the initial stage of embryo development, at which it consists of a hollow cell vesicle with a thickening localized in it - the inner cell mass. It is fr ...

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Menisconomandibular ligament Medial


The medial meniscomandibular ligament (lat. l. meniscomandibulare mediale) is one of the ligaments of the temporomandibular joint. It arises from the medial edge of the m ...

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Analog to Digital Converter


An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is an electronic device that converts a continuous analog signal into a discrete digital code. ADCs are widely used in modern electro ...

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Coughing (Coughing, Tussis)


Coughing is our body's natural defense mechanism to clear the airways of irritating particles such as dust, smoke, germs and other substances. Cough is one of the most co ...

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Schizophrenia Paroxysmal-progressive


Paroxysmal-progressive schizophrenia (also known as intermittent-progressive schizophrenia or schizophrenia intermittently) is a subtype of schizophrenia that is characte ...

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Giant cell aortitis


Giant cell aortitis: symptoms, causes and treatment Aortitis giant cell (AGC) is a rare disease that is characterized by inflammation of the wall of the aorta, the larges ...

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