8 signs of early stage cancer in women

Genital cancer in women is one of the most common diseases in the world. Despite modern treatment methods, a high mortality rate is associated with late diagnosis. In this article we will look at 8 signs of the initial stage of cancer in women.

  1. Swelling of the legs, pain in the lower abdomen and unusual discharge are possible symptoms of cervical cancer. Women who have these symptoms should see their doctor for further testing.

  2. Sudden weight loss without any reason may be associated with ovarian cancer. If a woman notices a significant weight loss without changing her lifestyle, she should immediately consult a doctor.

  3. Decreased appetite without lifestyle changes may be associated with ovarian cancer. Women who have these symptoms should see their doctor for further testing.

  4. Intermenstrual bleeding, and especially during menopause, can be a symptom of endometrial cancer. Women who have these symptoms should see their doctor for further testing.

  5. Dark-colored vaginal discharge with a strong odor (not during menstruation) may be a sign of cervical or endometrial cancer. If a woman has these symptoms, she should consult a doctor.

  6. Constant pressure in the bladder area, bloating and pain may indicate a tumor. Women who have these symptoms should see their doctor for further testing.

  7. Fatigue, depressed mood and loss of strength are some of the signs of hormonal imbalance in the reproductive organs. However, if these symptoms are accompanied by other signs, the woman should consult a doctor.

  8. Prolonged nausea may indicate the onset of an oncological process in the pelvic organs. Women who have these symptoms should see their doctor for further testing.

It is important to note that one or more of the signs listed does not necessarily mean cancer. However, if they last more than 2 weeks, then a trip to the doctor is required. Early diagnosis of genital cancer in women is a key factor for successful treatment. Women should undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist for their health and the prevention of possible diseases. In addition, women should monitor their lifestyle, eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress and bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

In conclusion, the 8 signs of early stage cancer in women are important information that women should know and consider. Regular examinations with a gynecologist, as well as being attentive to your health and your body will help prevent the development of cancer and save life. Do not neglect any of the listed signs if they last for a long time - timely diagnosis and treatment can save lives.