A fairy tale for the little ones

How to tell fairy tales to little ones: creative ideas for mothers

Fairy tales are not only magical stories, but also a unique way of transmitting knowledge and values. For the youngest children, fairy tales become the first step in exploring the world, so it is important to be able to tell them correctly. Which fairy tales to choose and how to read them to the little ones? In this article we will share creative ideas for moms.

Pestushki and nursery rhymes
Before moving on to fairy tales, do not forget about pestushki and nursery rhymes. These are short and easy to remember rhymes that help the baby catch the rhythm of speech and introduce him to the world of sounds. For example:

"Baby, baby,
The arms and legs are grippy."

"Stretch, little ones,
Grasping handles
Runaway legs."

"Okay, okay, okay,
Where were you? On porridge.
What did you eat? Porridge.
What did you drink? Milk."

You can compose such rhymes yourself using melodic words and onomatopoeia.

Classic fairy tales
Classic fairy tales are the golden fund of children's literature. Everyone knows such fairy tales as “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Golden Fish” and many others. When telling these tales, you can use bright illustrations to attract the baby's attention. It is important to read fairy tales with expression, to change intonation to convey the mood and emotions of the characters.

Tales of the peoples of the world
By telling fairy tales from different peoples of the world, you can introduce your child to different cultures and traditions. For example, you can tell a story about the Indians, about the wisdom of Chinese mentors, about the northern peoples, about their customs and rituals. In addition, you can use Russian folk tales, which are rich in symbols and metaphors.

Fairy tale games
Fairy tale games are when mother and baby create a fairy tale together using different objects. For example, you can take a doll and tell it a story, coming up with new plot twists depending on the baby’s reaction. You can also play “Shop”, “Puppet Theater” or “Journey through a Fairyland”, where the baby will play the role of the main character.

Cartoon fairy tales
Modern technologies make fairy tales even more exciting and interactive. There are many cartoons based on classic fairy tales that you can watch with your child. At the same time, you can discuss with him what is happening on the screen, ask questions and develop critical thinking.

Of course, the choice of how to tell fairy tales depends on the preferences of the mother and the age of the baby. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of kindness and warmth so that the baby feels loved and interested in what is happening.