
Absence is a mental disorder that is characterized by sudden attacks of loss of consciousness or lack of response to external stimuli. This condition can be caused by various factors such as stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, alcohol or drug use, and certain diseases such as epilepsy.

Absence can manifest itself in the form of short-term blackouts that last from a few seconds to several minutes. During an attack, a person may continue to breathe and remain conscious, but their actions and reactions to their surroundings may be impaired. After the attack ends, the person may feel fine, but may feel weak or dizzy.

Treatment for absence seizure may include medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes. Drug treatment may include the use of antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs. Psychotherapy can help reduce stress levels and improve a patient's quality of life. It is also important to maintain a daily routine and rest, avoid stressful situations and eat right.

It is important to note that absence seizure is not a life-threatening condition, but it can cause discomfort and disruption in daily life. Therefore, if you or someone you love experiences these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.