Abscess Metastatic Pyemic

Pyemic metastatic abscesses are purulent formations that form as a result of the development of the inflammatory process in soft tissues in the area of ​​germination of “daughter” metastases of cancer of various etiologies. In addition to the bone spread of the tumor process, signs of skin diseases affected by tumor infiltrates are revealed.

*Metastatic pyaemic abscess* is an inflammatory process that occurs due to the spread of infection from various parts of the body. This process can have serious consequences and requires immediate treatment to prevent possible complications. In this article we will look at general information about this disease, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

What is a _metastatic pyaemic_ abscess?

A metastatic pyematic abscess is an infection that spreads to other parts of the body through the blood. It can occur in any organ or tissue, but most often affects the skin or subcutaneous tissue