
Acceleration: acceleration of growth and physical development of children and adolescents

Modern children and adolescents, on average, are taller and have greater body mass (weight) than their peers of previous years. This phenomenon is called acceleration and it is observed in different countries of the world. Among the main reasons for the acceleration, scientists identify better nutrition, improved living conditions and increased awareness of modern children and adolescents.

According to research, children and adolescents today are growing and developing faster than their peers 50-60 years ago. For example, in 1970, 6-year-old Moscow boys were on average 7 cm taller and 2.4 kg heavier than their peers in 1906, and 14-year-old boys were 16.6 cm and 14.2 kg, respectively. Milk teeth erupt earlier, they are replaced by permanent teeth earlier, and skeletal ossification occurs earlier. As a result, growth stops 2-3 years earlier than several decades ago.

However, although children and adolescents are growing faster than before, this does not mean that they are maturing earlier overall. It is known that to some environmental influences the reaction of adolescents of the 70s, who are taller and with a greater degree of sexual development, does not differ from the reaction of their peers of the 60s. It cannot be said that there is a simultaneous acceleration of the mental development of children.

Reasons for acceleration

There are several hypotheses that explain the reasons for acceleration. One of them is associated with better nutrition of modern children and adolescents, which contributes to faster growth and development. The second hypothesis relates to improved living conditions, including more comfortable housing, better heating and lighting, and access to health care. The third hypothesis is related to the increasing awareness of modern children and adolescents, who are more informed about a healthy lifestyle and care about their health.

Social conditioning of acceleration

It should be noted that acceleration is a socially determined phenomenon. During the Second World War, the acceleration of growth and development of children and adolescents stopped and even, on the contrary, body height and mass (weight) decreased, sexual development was postponed to a later date. This is due to the fact that during the war, available resources and food were limited, and conditions of an unfavorable ecological environment were created. Today, in more favorable living conditions, acceleration has become more common.

The impact of acceleration on health

Although acceleration is a natural process, it can have an impact on the health of children and adolescents. For example, children and adolescents who grow faster may develop problems with their spine or joints. In addition, accelerated growth may result in an earlier onset of puberty, which can affect a child's emotional and social development.

In general, acceleration is a natural process that is caused by improved living conditions and quality of nutrition. However, it is important to monitor the health of children and adolescents, especially those who are growing and developing faster, and seek medical help if necessary.

Acceleration: Acceleration in the modern world

Acceleration, which comes from the Latin word "acceleratio", is a concept that is increasingly relevant in modern society. It describes the process of acceleration, increasing speed of development and change in various aspects of our lives. Acceleration affects our technology, economy, culture, social interactions and even our psychology.

Nowadays, we are witnessing the rapid development of technology. More and more new inventions and innovations are coming into the market and they are becoming available to the general public in no time. For example, smartphones, which were once a luxury, are now an integral part of our daily lives. This rapid pace of technology development creates the feeling that time is moving faster and faster, and we must constantly stay ahead in order to keep up with progress.

Economic acceleration also plays an important role in our modern life. International trade, financial markets and globalization lead to an ever-accelerating pace of economic activity. Companies strive for continuous growth and competitiveness to stay afloat in a rapidly changing business world. This creates pressure on entrepreneurs and workers who have to adapt to constant change and accelerate their pace of work.

Cultural acceleration is also evident in our society. With the advent of the Internet and social media, information travels instantly and we are constantly exposed to a large volume of news, opinions and impressions. Cultural trends and fashions change faster than ever, and they become outdated almost as soon as they appear. People face constant pressure to stay on top of trends and new developments, which can cause stress and feelings of loss.

Social acceleration also has an impact on our lives. We live in an increasingly globalized world, where distance is no longer a barrier to communication and interaction. Social networks and instant messengers allow us to be constantly connected with people around the world. This changes our relationships, creating new opportunities for communication, but also causing new challenges associated with information overload and loss of identity in the virtual space.

In psychology, acceleration can lead to various consequences. The fast pace and uncertainty of our modern lives can cause stress, anxiety and feelings of restlessness. We are constantly faced with a huge amount of information and the expectation of quick results. This can lead to information overload, fatigue, and even a decrease in our ability to concentrate and think deeply.

However, acceleration can also be a source of opportunity and progress. Rapid advances in technology can lead to new discoveries, improved quality of life, and solutions to complex problems. Economic acceleration can promote growth and prosperity by creating new jobs and innovative products. Cultural and social acceleration can promote diversity, the discovery of new ideas and increased cultural exchange.

It is important to learn to adapt to acceleration and find balance in a rapidly changing world. This may include mindfulness, managing time and emotions, and developing flexibility and learning ability.

Acceleration is an integral part of our modern life. It permeates every area of ​​our existence and influences our thinking, behavior and relationships. Understanding acceleration and its consequences will help us better adapt to a rapidly changing world and harness its potential to achieve personal and societal progress.

Acceleration – accelerating the pace of development of society

**Acceleration** (from Latin - “increase”) is the accelerated development of children and adolescents compared to adults.\n From a biological point of view, acceleraters may have deviations in physical and mental development and be painful.\nWith social (social psychology , personality psychology) - acceleraters, for example, on the basis of their psychological and physiological maturation, in particular, adolescents 16-20 years old (the period of socio-psychological transformation) are considered: an increase in the speed of their thinking and physical development, changes in the composition of the psyche, first of all, the appearance abstract-theoretical (discursive) thinking, improvement in indicators of intellectual activity.\nOften due to short-term mechanical memory (since the period of sexual and neuropsychic development has not yet ended).\nSociologists argue that acceleration in cultural, political or economic terms has manifested itself in all countries where sociological studies of this phenomenon were observed (USSR, USA, Great Britain, Sweden, France, Denmark, Norway.