
Achloropsia (obsolete; achloropsia; a- + Greek chloros green + opsis vision) is a rare vision disease in which a person does not perceive the color green.

With achloropsia, there is no ability to distinguish shades of green. Instead of green, a person sees gray or brown. This is due to a disruption in the functioning of the cone apparatus of the retina, which is responsible for the perception of green color.

Achloropsia can be congenital or acquired. Acquired forms include toxic lesions of the retina, eye injuries, tumors and other diseases.

To diagnose achloropsia, special color discrimination tests are performed. Treatment is mainly symptomatic and aimed at eliminating the causes of this visual disorder. In its congenital form, achloropsia is incurable.

Achloropsia is a rare condition in which a person is unable to see the colors green or turquoise. This syndrome is associated with damage to a specific gene in the retina called Crx (cryptochrome 1). This gene is responsible for the perception of green light.

Factors that can provoke achloropia:

- Genetic factors, that is, heredity. This factor is the most likely, since this syndrome is inherited. When both parents have this gene, the child is likely to develop achloropia. If one of the parents has this gene, then the risk of developing the syndrome increases to 50%. - Problems with the retina. If the retina of the eye is damaged, a person may lose the ability to see green and some other colors, including blue, green and turquoise. Such conditions may be caused by age-related changes or other diseases such as macular degeneration. - Eye treatments such as laser surgery to reduce bags under the eyes and correct myopia. This treatment may cause a person to become unable to perceive a number of colors, such as red, yellow and orange. - Long-term treatment with antidepressants. Some types of antidepressants can affect a person's perception of colors. As a result of such exposure, synesthesia may occur.

How does achlororsia manifest? A person suffering from achlorosia may experience the following symptoms:

1. Loss of the ability to perceive some