Acromegaly (Acromegaty)

Acromegaly is a disease characterized by excessive growth of the bones of the hands, feet and face. The cause of acromegaly is excessive secretion of growth hormone (somatotropin). The increased level of somatotropin is due to the presence of a tumor of the anterior pituitary gland.

The main symptoms of acromegaly:

  1. increase in the size of the hands, feet and facial features
  2. protrusion of the brow ridges and cheekbones
  3. thickening of lips and nose
  4. tongue enlargement
  5. malocclusion

Diagnosis of acromegaly includes a growth hormone test and an MRI of the brain to look for a pituitary tumor.

Treatment involves surgically removing the tumor or using radiation therapy to suppress the hormonal activity of the tumor. Medications that reduce the production of somatotropin are also used.

If left untreated, acromegaly can lead to serious complications, including diabetes, hypertension and heart failure. Therefore, timely detection and treatment of this disease is important.

Article "Acromegaly"

_I recently became aware of the existence of such a disease as Acromegaly. It is quite rare and consists of an increase in the size of a person’s hands, feet, fingers and face. This occurs due to the extreme secretion of the hormone somatotropin. When a tumor grows in one part of the pituitary gland of the brain, the effect becomes visually noticeable. There are visible changes in appearance on the face and it is necessary to urgently seek the help of a doctor to prevent possible complications._

Acromegaly: causes and symptoms

The main cause of the development of this disease is a tumor in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which produces the growth hormone somatomedin-C, which stimulates the development of the human body in infancy, and at a later stage stimulates the growth of organs. However, with significant exposure, this dose of the hormone becomes destructive and negatively affects the body, causing a number of serious disorders.

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