
Adapromin: an effective antiviral drug from Russia

Adapromin is an antiviral drug produced in Russia. It belongs to the pharmacological group of antiviral drugs of various groups and is widely used for the prevention and treatment of influenza during epidemics.

The drug Adapromin is produced by GNIISKLS (State Scientific Institute of Clinical Laboratory Specialized Services) in Russia. It is available in the form of a substance and tablets with a dosage of 50 mg. The main active ingredient in Adapromin is the name of the drug itself.

Adapromin is indicated for use in the prevention and treatment of influenza during an epidemic. However, it also has contraindications. It is not recommended to use Adapromin in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, acute liver diseases, acute and chronic kidney diseases, thyrotoxicosis and during pregnancy.

Some side effects may occur when using Adapromine, including allergic reactions such as skin rashes, as well as dyspepsia (digestive problems). The interaction of Adapromin with other drugs has not yet been studied, and there is no data on this.

There is also no information about overdose and special instructions for the use of Adapromin, since they have not been reliably studied. For more detailed information about the drug, it is recommended to consult the literature, including the 2004 Encyclopedia of Drugs.

Adapromin is a Russian antiviral drug that has been shown to be effective in the prevention and treatment of influenza. However, before you start using this drug, you should consult a medical specialist and read the instructions for use in order to avoid possible side effects and take into account the individual characteristics of your health.