Pituitary adenoma Basophilic

A pituitary adenoma, also known as a “adenoma adenoma” or “basophilocele,” is a rare disease that causes enlargement of one or more glands of the anterior pituitary gland. It can be caused by a number of factors, including genetic predisposition, infections and stress. An adenoma appears as a nodule in the pituitary gland that varies in shape and size and can have a significant impact on hormonal function. Manifestations of hypophysis are nonspecific but include headaches, high blood pressure, obesity, sexual dysfunction, and changes in the menstrual cycle in women. In severe cases, this type of adenoma can lead to hypophysitic osteopathy, cerebral aneurysm and malignant degeneration. Today we'll take a closer look at this rare disease and discuss treatment options for different stages of the disease. Treatment for adenoma includes surgery, radiotherapy and hormonal treatment, and the choice of specific therapy depends on the individual patient and stage