
Aerophagy is a common condition that is associated with swallowing excess air. This can happen accidentally while eating or drinking quickly, or unknowingly due to habit. Some people suffer from aerophagia constantly, which can lead to discomfort and even pain.

Aerophagia can occur as a result of various factors such as stress, anxiety, nervousness, poor diet and certain medical conditions. For example, people with stomach or intestinal disorders may often experience aerophagia because their bodies cannot properly process the food and air they swallow.

Spontaneous aerophagia can be used to develop esophageal voice after surgical removal of the larynx. This operation is usually performed in cases of laryngeal cancer where removal of the larynx is necessary to save the patient's life. Patients who have this surgery can use aerophagia to develop a new way of speaking that does not require the vocal cords.

Symptoms of aerophagia may include bloating, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, a feeling of pressure in the chest, and frequent belching. In most cases, aerophagia is not a serious medical condition and can be treated by changing eating habits and reducing stress. However, in some cases, medical attention may be required to treat aerophagia.

In general, aerophagia is a common phenomenon that can occur in people of different ages and have various causes. Although it is not usually a serious medical condition, in some cases it may require medical attention to treat it. If you experience frequent cases of aerophagia, consult your doctor for advice and treatment.

Aerophagia is a pathology characterized by swallowing excess air, which leads to increased formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract. Aerophagia is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and requires certain skills to eliminate. Ignoring the problem for a long time can lead to serious illnesses.

The main causes of aerophagia Although most people are not diagnosed with aerophagia, this disorder occurs in every hundredth citizen. The causes of the condition are not fully understood. The exact nature of the pathological condition has not been established, but the most common provoking factors are:

painful sensations in the stomach: aerophagic disorders can occur against the background of gastritis, ulcers, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, tumors, intestinal infections; air in the esophagus – aerophagia causes the characteristic noise; increased gastric contraction activity when excess oxygen is swallowed; reflex causes of aerophasia - involuntary swallowing of air is usually observed during the gag reflex, which occurs when eating or while smoking; sleep apnea; professional deformations. People whose work involves long periods of driving cars, pilots, and sailors suffer more often; other pathologies that accompany aerophagia of the food type: esophagitis, hiatal hernia, gastrojejunostomy, cervical carcinoma.

Methods for diagnosing aerophagia Aerophagia is first examined by a gastroenterologist; he conducts a series of examinations: studying the patient’s history and complaints about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the sternum, bloating and discomfort in the epigastrium after eating certain foods; examination of the patient, palpation of the abdomen; physical examination of the patient's sensory organs using medical instruments. Laboratory diagnosis of aerophagia involves a number of studies: ultrasound of the abdominal organs and ultrasound of the esophagus; a study aimed at determining the speed of movement of stomach contents; Gastroscopy. An instrumental diagnostic technique involving the insertion of an endoscope into the larynx. It is very effective in the study of aerophagia, since the main symptom of the disease is increased formation of gases. Gastroscopy allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis. Since aerophagia is always accompanied by the accumulation of excess gases in the cavity of the peritoneum or neck, measuring the hydrogen content makes it possible to easily identify the anomaly. Phagogastroduodenoscopy

Types of aerophagia There are two types of aerophagia: aerophagia of the digestive type - in this case, food masses enter the stomach faster than a person can keep up with them, more often occurs during operations affecting the lower part of the larynx; aerophactia of a respiratory nature - ingestion of oxygen from the environment. Symptoms of aerophasia in adults The manifestations of the disorder are similar in all patients: a feeling of a “lump” in the throat, belching, bad breath. But depending on the location of the pathogenic gases, different symptoms of aerophagia are distinguished. Types of manifestations of the pathological process: Pulmonary: often manifested by “liquid” sounds, creaking and