Aevit nourishing face mask reviews

The skin needs not only proper care, but also vitamins - it is best if these two factors are combined. For example, the simultaneous use of cosmetics with vitamins A and E will not only help get rid of the feeling of tightness and dryness, but will also prolong the youth of the skin. In order to make sure whether this is so, you should read reviews of the nourishing face mask “Aevit” from the Libriderm brand. They are left by real customers on review sites after using the product multiple times.

Pros and cons of using the Aevit mask from Libriderm

The main active ingredients of Aevita from Libriderm are vitamins A and E, their other names are retinol and tocopherol acetate. Vitamins A and E are called beauty vitamins - they help restore and nourish the skin, eliminate the first signs of aging, accelerate regeneration, are strong antioxidants, kill bacteria and free radicals. They work well when used separately, but together they enhance each other’s properties significantly and improve the condition of the skin. According to the manufacturer, Aevit from Libriderm will help:

  1. Relieve the skin of dryness, tightness, irritation, peeling, as well as scars and burns;
  2. Qualitatively nourish the epidermis, replenish the cellular deficiency of vitamins A and E;
  3. Improve resistance to environmental influences - wind, snow, cold, sun;
  4. Moisturize the skin, even out its tone;
  5. Protect it from various types of bacteria;
  6. Make facial wrinkles less visible, tighten the skin, improve turgor and tone;
  7. Get rid of crow's feet and circles around the eyes;
  8. Restore elasticity, firmness, softness.

Attention! The Aevit mask from Libriderm is suitable even for sensitive, allergy-prone skin, as it acts very gently and does not contain any allergy-causing components.

Making face masks with aevit is primarily recommended for those with dry skin prone to flaking and irritation, but they will be no less effective for normal, oily or combination skin, which also needs proper nutrition.

You can also make a face mask with aevit obtained from pharmaceutical capsules. Below, the cosmetologist will explain what these capsules are, and buyers will share the recipe.

Real reviews from cosmetologists

Vitamins A and E are essential for our body. They are important not only for maintaining our good condition, but also play a big role in the condition of the skin.

The Libriderm brand is respected by cosmetologists - its products are created using the latest, safe technologies, using the most useful ingredients, and a mask with the addition of retinol and tocopherol is an example of this.

Cosmetologists claim that a face mask with aevit - a complex of vitamins A and E - will be no less useful for aging skin 35+, and not just for dry skin. It will help with the appearance of the first wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity.

Aevit for the face in masks is no less useful than when consumed orally, however, to achieve maximum effect, you should also take a course of vitamins A and E orally. It can be both vitamins separately or their mixture, which is also called “Aevit”. You can find capsules with an oil solution of these vitamins at the pharmacy.

We offer you a review of the best face mask:

Attention! If you decide to take Aevit internally or make a mask with it yourself, remember that it is not advisable to apply it to your face in its pure form - an allergy may occur. Only mixed with base oil or cream.

Review on reviews of using Aevit

The rating of the mask, judging by customer reviews, is 4.7 out of 5. This is a fairly high rating, indicating people’s trust in both the brand and this product in particular.

The product is used as follows: a small amount is applied in a thin layer to clean skin of the face, neck and décolleté as needed, leave for 15 minutes, then remove the residue with a paper towel or napkin. You can also do a massage with it - apply along massage lines from the center of the face to the periphery, massage in a circular motion. Suitable for use twice a week, the mask should also be applied after frostbite and any severe damage to the skin as a result of scrub or peeling.

It is also simply irreplaceable in autumn, winter, early spring, when the weather is not pleasant with warm days, which is why the skin suffers - frostbite, lack of nutrition, peeling, dryness. A mask with Aevit will help eliminate these shortcomings by high-quality moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis.

A face mask with aevit includes a number of vitamins A and E, as well as additional components such as

  1. Grapeseed oil - tones the skin, prevents pores from becoming clogged, accelerates regeneration, which promotes rapid healing of acne and acne scars.
  2. Peach seed oil – reduces swelling and increases elasticity.
  3. Rosehip extract – rosehip contains vitamins B, vitamin C, P. They enhance the effect of A and E, and also promote the production of collagen and have moisturizing properties.
  4. Rose extract – retains moisture in the skin, makes it smooth, fresh, improves complexion, whitens post-acne marks.

These ingredients complement the action of vitamins, enhance it and fully cope with their tasks.

Interesting! If you cannot afford to buy a face mask with Aevit from Libriderm, then you can also make it at home. To do this, purchase a base oil - for example, the same grape or peach seeds, or use any face cream as a base. Add 5-7 drops of base oil and 2 capsules of vitamin A and E to 50 ml of cream, mix thoroughly. Now the product can be applied to the face.

Taking into account the volume of 75 ml, the price of just under 300 rubles seems quite justified. One tube is enough for a couple of months of use twice a week.

I would also like to say that the skin eats the mask with pleasure - especially for the dermis that lacks nutrition. The product is absorbed very quickly, does not weigh down, does not clog into pores and maintains the overall level of moisture.


"Aevit" from Libriderm, judging by the reviews, has a strong restorative effect. It also copes with severe peeling and irritation caused by bad weather or adverse external factors. The high content of vitamins A and E will also help compensate for their deficiency in the deep layers of the epidermis.

Greetings, dear readers! I recently learned about a simple means of preserving youth. Aevit for wrinkles - the reviews from those who tried it impressed me! Therefore, I decided to figure out what this product is and how to use it.

What is aevit

The drug itself is a multivitamin. Pharmacological name Retinol + Vitamin E. Available in different forms - tablets, injections. I'm more interested in it in capsule form. These are balls made of a thin shell of gelatin and glycerin.

Composition of the active substance: retinol palmitate (vitamin A) – 100,000 IU and alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) – 0.1 mg. In other words, aevit is a combination of vitamins A and E in one capsule

Use Aevit internally if you have:

  1. problematic skin (pimples, acne);
  2. aging skin is exactly the issue on which we have gathered here today.

With the appearance of the first wrinkles, our skin undergoes changes. Those who have oily or combination skin begin to notice dryness and flaking. Natural protective functions are reduced. At this time, our skin needs effective care.

Already at the age of 22-24 years, the first signs of aging appear. And they start around the eyes. In this area the skin is devoid of fat

Why is Aevit so good for wrinkles? The components of the capsules are an antioxidant that slows down the aging process. The skin is renewed and its appearance noticeably improves. What do the girls who tried this product say?



Olya: I bought Aevit at the pharmacy. I also took almond oil there. Started using it. Liked everything. And then the opposite effect happened: dry skin around the eyes. Everything started to hurt and peel.

Galina: I use AEvit without using any additives. And only for a while. 5-6 minutes is enough. And don’t forget to carefully remove the excess afterwards.

Lyuba: I applied it in the evening. I slept through the night and woke up like a Chinese man with slits in his eyes. Is this product not suitable for me? The swelling goes away gradually. My friend said that it helps with wrinkles, otherwise she had them.

Alya: I had an overdose from Aevit. My lips began to crack, my hair was forever electrified. At first everything was fine. You have to be careful with medications.

Ksyunya: I take Aevit orally daily, 1 capsule. This is the third month of constant use and I am pleased with the results. Hair and nails have significantly improved their appearance.

ValentineA: I am a practicing cosmetologist. And I say with confidence, aevit is an excellent remedy. But taking it for more than 1 month can result in an overdose. Please read the instructions before you start taking it.

Natalia: And I'm happy. I use Aevit and there is no swelling. I take one capsule and add a drop of castor oil. And I apply it around the eyes. Just don’t use it during the day, pigment spots will appear.

Christina: Today I tried mixing almond oil with aevit. It seemed normal at first, but then the skin began to ache and peel.

Anyuta: It helped me. The skin became perfect. I drank 2 pieces every day. The dermatologist advised.

How to use Aevit

Reviews from cosmetologists are as follows: take Aevit internally. Using this drug as a course of treatment significantly improves the condition of the skin. 2 capsules per day are enough for only two months. Then take a break for 2-3 months. There is a smoothing of the skin, a reduction in rashes, hair and nails become stronger.

In our case, we will take a comprehensive approach in the fight against wrinkles. There are several ways to apply the drug to the face.

  1. Use as a stand-alone anti-wrinkle product. Puncture the capsule, mix with a small amount of water and apply to problem areas. 10 minutes is enough, then rinse off with foam and wipe with a paper towel.
  2. Apply the contents of the capsules under the eyes using gentle patting movements with your fingertips. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week. Five minutes is enough to nourish the eyelids. And then remove the remains with a napkin. If you don't do this, you will wake up in the morning with puffy eyes. And we definitely don’t need this!
  3. Facial massage – along the lymphatic drainage lines, do a small 10-minute facial massage with the addition of vitamins to the massage cream. I wrote how to do it correctly in an article about lymphatic drainage facial massage.

It is better to make masks with aevit in winter and in the autumn-spring period to nourish the skin. I don't recommend it in summer. When exposed to sunlight, excessive pigmentation may appear on the skin. Therefore, we prepare vitamin masks in the evening. Below I have collected 3 effective masks for nourishing the skin using Aevit. Read and write your reviews.

Do a reaction test

Before use, of course, we carry out a test reaction to a multivitamin product. First apply the contents of the capsule to the back of your hand. Hold this for 5 minutes. Will this place turn red or start to itch? This is necessary to avoid allergic reactions. In most cases, no allergic reactions were noticed.

Apply Aevit against wrinkles around the eyes carefully so as not to get into the mucous membrane. If this happens, rinse with running water. I smeared it carefully, applying the product specifically to the dark areas of the eyelids. There is no need to stubbornly cover it up to the edge of the eyelid.

When applying the mask, first cleanse your skin well. First you need to wash your hands, then apply the foam to your face. Then you can use a scrub or rolling sheet.

Recipes for masks with aevit

In addition to using vitamin Aevit with cream or separately on its own, prepare the following masks with it.

  1. Potato mask. Prepare mashed potatoes from 1 small tuber. Cool it down. Drop liquid 2-3 capsules of Aevit. Apply the mask completely over your entire face. After 15-20, rinse the mixture with water. A maximum of two times a week such a procedure is enough.
  2. Cucumber mask. Grind fresh cucumber without peel on a fine grater. Add the oily liquid of 2-3 aevita balls to the resulting slurry. Add enough wheat flour so that it is not very thick. Apply the mask to the area around the eyes. After leaving the mixture for 10-15 minutes, remove the vitamin cocktail with water.
  3. Egg-honey. Grind the yolk with 1 teaspoon of melted honey. Add half a teaspoon of olive oil and squeeze out 1-2 capsules of aevit. Mix all ingredients well. Transfer the mask to your face. After 15 minutes, remove the composition with water.

This drug is very easy to use. Use this available tool. Beauty does not require sacrifice, but only a little effort. Just 1-2 days a week. It's not that much.

And in order to take a comprehensive approach to the care and nutrition of our skin, make it a rule to take care of it regularly. It's like brushing your teeth every day. In the morning we get up and what our skin has produced during the night needs to be cleansed. Therefore, a good wash + toning + moisturizer. It depends on your skin type. I have a combination, but just a little, it immediately reacts to irritants. And in the evening I remove my makeup with micellar water. I recently discovered that it does an excellent job with waterproof mascara and foundation.

Write your reviews - I'm always interested in your opinion and experience!

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The popular drug Aevit is produced in the form of gelatin capsules with oil content and is actively used in modern medicine and cosmetology. To maintain health and improve skin condition, it is recommended to take it not only internally, but also externally. For example, a mask with Aevit for the face provides quick and noticeable rejuvenation of the skin, restores tone and more.

Benefits of Aevit for the face

This unique multivitamin complex in a natural composition successfully combines two active components - vitamins A, E. Each organic compound provides enormous health benefits and a rejuvenating effect for the face. For example, vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant, “works” in the following directions:

  1. increases the protective functions of soft tissues and all cells of the body;
  2. stimulates blood supply to the skin;
  3. accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  4. preserves and maintains the level of moisture at the required level, helping the skin absorb and retain moisture;
  5. stimulates counteracting infectious and inflammatory processes.

Vitamin E also makes Aevit simply irreplaceable for facial skin. The potential therapeutic and preventive effect is as follows:

  1. removes pigment spots on the face, evens out the shade of the epithelium;
  2. penetrates deep into the skin;
  3. accelerates the natural process of regeneration of injured tissues;
  4. stimulates metabolism at the cellular level;
  5. returns a healthy glow to the cheeks, stimulating blood circulation;
  6. increases elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  7. tightens pores, helps treat acne, acne.

Application of Aevita for the face

This drug is often prescribed as part of a complex treatment for many dermatological diseases. It makes it easier to get rid of seborrhea and acne, and relieve the inflammatory process in the presence of pimples and pustules on the face. The main indications for the use of Aevita in medicine and cosmetology:

  1. oily skin with severe signs of inflammation;
  2. dermatological diseases, which include psoriasis;
  3. profuse acne, acne symptoms;
  4. aging facial skin with signs of dryness, flaking, and the appearance of wrinkles.

Methods of using Aevita for the face

According to the instructions, Aevit vitamins for the face can be used in pure form (applied directly to the site of pathology) or taken orally for systemic action in case of weakened local immunity. Subcutaneous injections, oily capsules provide a comprehensive effect. Vitamin cocktail from A+E is characterized by stable anti-inflammatory, nourishing, cleansing, regenerating and restorative properties. The dynamics depend on the form of the drug, the prescription, and the general recommendations of the specialist.

Application to skin

For severe symptoms of inflammation on the face, Aevit is recommended to be used in its pure form. To do this, you need to open the contents of 1-2 capsules and thoroughly treat the problem areas in a targeted manner. After the session, you should not wash your face or use decorative cosmetics. It is worth carrying out such home procedures with Aevit in the morning and evening, after making sure that there is no allergic reaction to the active ingredients of the medicine. The oil returns healthy skin color, the skin is cleansed of tumors, and inflammatory processes stop.

Adding to cream

In the fight against the natural aging processes of facial skin and to quickly get rid of facial wrinkles in the eye area, corners of the forehead and nose, cosmetologists recommend using Aevit, but not in its pure form, but as an auxiliary substance. The contents of oil capsules or an injection solution must be added to daily skin care products. For example, 3 drops are enough for a single use, and this composition can be stored for several hours. Subsequently, it loses its beneficial, rejuvenating properties.


Vitamin Aevit for facial skin is recommended for use in homemade cosmetics. This is a good opportunity to get rid of wrinkles without any special financial costs and in the shortest possible time, provide nutrition to dry tissues, and finally get rid of severe signs of inflammation. Before using this or that cosmetic mask in practice, it is necessary to exclude allergic reactions of the body to the components.

If there are no medical contraindications to Aevit, use any of the effective recipes below:

  1. Prepare 1 capsule of Aevit, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tsp. honey Melt the honey product in a water bath, add the vitamin and oil base. Mix thoroughly, remove from the heat source and cool slightly. Apply the mask to your face and do not wash it off for a quarter of an hour. For rejuvenation, carry out the procedure twice a week, for cleansing - once a week.
  2. Mix the contents of 4 Aevita capsules with egg yolk and a pinch of sea salt, then apply a homogeneous mixture to sensitive facial skin for about 10 minutes. Then wash your face and additionally moisturize the dermis with any cosmetic cream. Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Prepare a rejuvenating mask for dry skin. To do this, combine 20 g of yellow cosmetic clay with 20 ml of warm milk, then add the contents of 1 Aevita capsule, an egg yolk, and a couple of peppermint leaves. Mix the composition until smooth, apply a thin layer to the skin, do not wash off for up to half an hour. Afterwards, all that remains is to wash your face and treat your skin with a cream selected according to your age category.
  4. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, mash them with a fork, add the contents of 1 Aevit capsule to the resulting pulp. Apply to the face, spreading the composition in an even layer so as to cover all problem areas as much as possible. Do not wash off for 15 minutes. Then treat the skin with any nourishing cream of your choice.
  5. In 1 tbsp. Soak the lemon zest in boiling water for 1 hour. After the specified time, strain the mixture, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, raw egg yolk, 50 g of olive oil, 10 drops of lemon concentrate, camphor alcohol and mayonnaise, 15 ml of each component, the contents of 2 Aevita capsules. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous paste is formed, which you apply to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse off and treat with cream. Use the mask as a night mask - in the evening on previously cleansed skin.

Contraindications for use

Not all women who strive for beauty and youth are allowed to use Aevit capsules for the face. The drug has its own medical contraindications, including:

  1. the patient's tendency to allergic reactions;
  2. chronic pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  3. liver and kidney failure;
  4. age restrictions – patients under 14 years of age;
  5. individual intolerance to the active ingredients;
  6. periods of pregnancy and lactation.

If you have these medical contraindications, it is not recommended to experiment with your own health. An allergic skin rash with swelling appears on the body, a feeling of itching and burning occurs, plus an exacerbation of the underlying chronic disease is possible. When choosing a mask recipe, these nuances must be taken into account.



Marina, 29 years old Not a single week goes by without me using Aevit on my facial skin. The problem area is freckles and age spots. To remove them or temporarily disguise them, twice a week I use the oil composition in its pure form. I open the contents of the capsule and begin to rub it into problem areas with massaging movements. Helps great.

Olga, 35 years old To quickly get rid of goose bumps and dead skin cells on the face, I regularly use proven Aevit vitamins. The most effective recipe is to mix the contents of the capsule with boiled potatoes, since the changes are obvious after the first procedure at home. The recipe is simple and reliable.

Maria, 37 years old I regularly make myself anti-aging masks with Aevit. I simply add a few drops of oil from the capsule to any day or night cream, after which I thoroughly treat all problem areas with the finished composition, especially the area around the eyes and lips. The product is reliable and effective, a budget option for an anti-aging procedure.