How to make sushi at home step by step

Making rolls at home is a very real task if you equip yourself with the necessary “tools.” We will need a mat (a special mat for rolling rolls), a sharp knife, cling film, and some products. Having purchased everything you need in advance, you can start making a popular dish.

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We will use a simple recipe for making rolls with the classic combination of fish, cucumber and cream cheese. This filling option can be called the simplest, most common and quite affordable. So, let's find out how to make rolls at home.

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  1. Short grain rice - 1 cup;
  2. water (for cooking rice) - 1.5 cups;
  3. dressing for rice - approximately 50 ml;
  4. red fish - 150 g;
  5. cucumber - 1-2 pcs.;
  6. nori sheets - several pieces;
  7. cream cheese - 150 g;
  8. green onions (optional) - a few feathers.

Making rolls at home, recipe with photos

How to make rolls at home

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  1. Any recipe for making rolls begins with cooking the main component - rice. We remind you that the technology for making rice in Japanese cuisine differs from the method we are used to. The washed rice grains are boiled with the lid tightly closed over moderate heat until the moisture has completely evaporated, and after cooking they are necessarily soaked in a special dressing. Detailed instructions are described in the article “How to cook rice for sushi and rolls.”
  2. Next, we proceed directly to the formation of the Japanese dish. To do this, wrap the mat in cling film and cut the nori sheets in half. Spread the rice, which has cooled to room temperature, in a thin layer over the rough surface of the Japanese seaweed. We leave a free space of about 1 cm on one edge, and on the other, on the contrary, we “step” the rice grains beyond the border of the nori sheet. Periodically wet your palms with water to prevent the glutinous rice from sticking to your fingers.
  3. Carefully take the nori by the edge free from rice and turn it over to the other side. Now place several thin slices of cucumber on a smooth surface. Distribute 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cheese. For variety, you can add a feather of green onion to the filling.
  4. We cut the fish into slices, removing all large and small bones. You can prepare rolls at home with salmon, lightly salted salmon, trout and any other red fish - there are no restrictions here. Place several bright fish pieces with the rest of the filling ingredients.
  5. Now we face the most important stage - rolling our workpiece into a tight roll. We start from the edge of the nori where there is no rice. Lift the mat, covering the entire filling with part of the nori sheet, then make another turn. The result should be a monotonous, moderately tight roll. For a beginner in the field of Japanese cuisine, this process may seem complicated, but there is nothing incomprehensible here: it just takes practice.
  6. Use a mat to give the roll the desired shape (round or square), and then cut it into 6 or 8 pieces. It is important to remember that only a sharp knife is suitable for this: it is almost impossible to cut rolls beautifully with a dull blade.
  7. To give the rolls a presentable look, you can use sesame seeds, tobiko caviar and much more. Serve the rolls with soy sauce poured into a small bowl. The Japanese dish will be complemented by pickled ginger and a small portion of spicy Wasabi sauce. As you can see, the recipe for making rolls is quite accessible. The main thing here is to practice rolling rolls, but otherwise everything is extremely simple. For variety, experiment with filling and decoration. Enjoy your meal!

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Sushi is a Japanese traditional dish, but its oriental taste and aroma have long been present in our area, not only in sushi bars and Japanese restaurants. Almost every third modern housewife can boast of making her own homemade rolls. The ingredients for their preparation are easy to get at any large supermarket. The sushi products that you purchased for the first time will remain for the second or third time. From a financial point of view it will be inexpensive.

What do you need to make delicious sushi at home?

How to make real sushi at home? You must follow the step-by-step cooking instructions presented below. Properly selected ingredients will allow you to enjoy the unique, exquisite taste and aroma of the Thai delicacy. Don’t skimp on the quality of the ingredients, and you’ll quickly prepare a delicious Oriental restaurant dish at home.

Required Products

Be sure to use basic sushi ingredients. In the filling of the dish, rice, nori seaweed, fresh red fish (salmon, salmon), a piece of avocado, and cucumber are visually distinguishable. Often present as decoration are masago (flying fish roe) and salmon roe. Sushi also includes gari or pickled ginger, cream cheese, mayonnaise (preferably Japanese), rice vinegar, and soy sauce. Serving a traditional delicacy is unthinkable without the oriental spicy wasabi mustard.

The basis of the rolls is rice. You buy coarse-grained, round cereals with a sufficient amount of gluten, preferably with a special mark on the package “Rice for sushi.” You can buy dried nori seaweed at a large supermarket. The package usually contains 10-20 sheets. To prepare one serving, you need to divide each sheet in half, so a package of nori will be enough for subsequent sushi.

Rice vinegar is sold in the oriental cuisine department of large city hypermarkets or specialty stores. To give rice a specific food flavor and add spicy notes of oriental taste preferences, be sure to buy soy sauce. Pickled ginger is an essential attribute of the Japanese delicacy. Its delicate aroma with spicy notes will give the dish a special piquancy.

Sushi is a culinary creation that contains seafood, that is, red fish. Suitable fillets of salmon, salmon or other fatty sea fish. Another feature of the delicacy is that it is better to use fish fresh or lightly salted. Sushi is almost always served with the national mustard sauce, wasabi. Buy it in paste or dry powder form. The latter is easy to dilute to the desired consistency to make a sauce.

Cream cheese is an essential ingredient for roll filling. This creamy mixture makes the sushi tender and moist. The rolls melt easily in your mouth if the cheese is of high quality and not sour. Crab sticks are an additional ingredient for filling an oriental dish. They are used instead of sea fish fillet, but it is better together with it. Crab sticks should be juicy.

To fill the sushi, cut the cucumber, peeling it and removing the middle. Therefore, it is better to purchase young, thin cucumbers. Choose only ripe avocados. This vegetable, together with the cucumber, needs to be cut into slices for the filling and the core removed. So that the cooking process does not take you much time, and everything looks beautiful, you will need a bamboo mat - makisa and a sharp knife for cutting food.

Cooking sushi rice in a slow cooker

Rice is the main ingredient of a Japanese traditional dish. A special type of this cereal for rolls has a large amount of gluten, and therefore is suitable for a Thai delicacy. A multicooker is now not a rarity, but a necessary household appliance for a modern housewife. Use the services of this electrical equipment and cook rice according to the recipe below.

  1. Take the rice and rinse it thoroughly in several waters. The last time a clear, not cloudy liquid should be drained.
  2. Place the washed rice in the microwave bowl and fill it with water so that it covers the layer of cereal and is about 5 cm on top (at the rate of 250 ml per 200 g of cereal).
  3. Turn on the multicooker (Pilaf or Buckwheat mode). You need to cook for 30 minutes.
  4. After the miracle oven automatically turns off, the rice will be ready.
  5. Cover the bowl with rice and let it swell.

Slicing fish

While the rice is cooling, start eating the fish. Japanese cuisine chefs practice five types or techniques of cutting fish fillets, but let's consider a quick and accessible one - cutting fish at an angle. We prepare skinless fish fillets measuring 10 cm by 2.5 cm. Place a very sharp knife at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the surface of the kitchen table. Make a quick cut. In the same way, cut the fillet further into thin slices.

Preparing the vinegar dressing

Vinegar dressing gives the Thai dish a special piquancy and a delicate, sour-sweet taste. For it you will need:

  1. rice vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.,
  2. sugar – 1 tsp,
  3. salt – 1 tsp.

Prepare the dressing in a saucepan over medium heat by mixing the ingredients. Sugar and salt should dissolve, after which the vinegar dressing will be ready.

Recipe for homemade sushi nigiri (photo)

In Japanese restaurants, nigiri is usually served in pairs on a plate, as this type of sushi resembles compressed, oval-shaped lumps. The top layer of nigiri is thinly sliced ​​fish fillet sprinkled with sesame seeds.

To make nigiri at home, take:

  1. rice for rolls – 350 g,
  2. shrimp – 8 pcs.,
  3. salmon – 150 g,
  4. smoked eel – 150 g,
  5. nori – ½ sheet,
  6. sesame seeds – 1 tsp,
  7. wasabi,
  8. salt,
  9. soy sauce,
  10. pickled ginger,
  11. soy sauce.

  1. From rice, pre-cooked using the technology presented above, form oval blanks for nigiri. You need to work with rice with your hands moistened with a solution of water and rice vinegar. There will be approximately 24 ovals.
  2. Cut the salmon and eel fillets into eight thin pieces, holding the knife correctly at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Wash and properly boil the shrimp in salted water for no more than 2 minutes. Then place them in cold water.
  4. Lightly coat the fish slices with Japanese wasabi and soy sauce.
  5. Cut the nori into eight long strips, 6-7 mm wide.
  6. Divide the shrimp along the belly to straighten the halves relative to the backbone.
  7. Nigiri will look like this: a rice oval with a slice of fish or shrimp on it. Press the fillet onto the rice piece, giving it a boat shape.
  8. Nigiri sushi with eel should be wrapped in strips of nori and glued with water or several grains of rice.
  9. Place the finished rolls on a plate, sprinkle sesame seeds on top and serve with pickled ginger and wasabi.

Japanese sushi maki

The restaurant menu of Japanese cuisine includes not only nigiri in the form of oval lumps, but also traditional rolls wrapped in nori seaweed. They are also called maki or “rolled” sushi. Be sure to have a bamboo mat for cooking. The filling for maki can be varied, but seafood, nori and rice are required. Depending on the number of filling components, maki is made thin or thick, with the filling facing out and wrapped in a sheet of nori. The latter have more than two components.

Preparing regular rolls and other types of oriental delicacies is not difficult. But using the Midori set for rolls will help give Japanese “rolls” an interesting look. Special molds, machines and other devices significantly speed up the cooking process and allow you to create magnificent oriental masterpieces in raw, fried and baked form.

Video recipes for making sushi

It’s easy to learn how to cook interesting shrimp rolls, even if this is your first time making them. A video master class from an expert will help you follow all the subtleties of preparation and get an excellent result.

How to make your own baked sushi

Rolls are served not only raw as a cold appetizer, but also hot. Learn how to bake original rolls with caviar and shrimp filling at home by watching the video below.

Preparing nigiri and gunkan sushi

Delight your loved ones with Japanese eel and salmon rolls under the interesting names “nigiri” and “gunkan”. The original filling of the rolls will delight even the most fastidious gourmets. Details are in the video.

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Sushi at home is not an exotic, but a healthy habit!

The boom and special surge in fashion for sushi seems to have already been left behind, however, having lost casual travel companions, rolls have taken a strong position on the tables of those who really love this light and very healthy food.

At the same time, many roll lovers still refuse to master the art of making sushi at home, believing that it is difficult, energy-consuming and very expensive. This master class is just for those who are afraid and doubtful: I hasten to prove that rolls at home can be simple and inexpensive.

Please note that this is not a sushi making class for professional chefs. I offer an adapted version of rolls that are tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. In addition, all the basic ingredients can be found in the nearest supermarket and you don’t have to worry about where to buy the mysterious sushi vinegar and what to replace the rare rice for rolls with. So, if you're ready, head to the kitchen and let's make some sushi at home!


  1. 3 small cups rice;
  2. 4 small cups of water;
  3. 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  4. 1 tsp. salt;
  5. 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar;
  6. 200 g lightly salted salmon;
  7. 2 cucumbers;
  8. 8-10 sheets of nori;
  9. 200 g processed cheese.


First - rice. I don’t buy special grains for sushi, which in our realities are unreasonably expensive, I make do with the most ordinary round rice, which can be found in any store. Moreover, I am sure that even specialized restaurants in my city prepare sushi from the same rice that I buy. The secret of stickiness is not at all in the variety, although, probably, in it too. The secret is in the correct cooking technology: a little experience, and you will do it no worse than a professional sushi chef.

So, we take three cups of round rice (I specially stood up and checked the volume of the cup that I use - 160 ml, it is convenient for me, so I give the amount of ingredients for it; if you have other volumes, just change the other components proportionally) and rinse well with running water. Fill with four cups of water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and reduce the gas to a minimum. Without lifting the lid, cook for 15 minutes. It may take a little less or a little more time - listen to the rice: as soon as the nature of the sound of boiling water changes and you realize that all the liquid has “gone”, turn it off immediately, and do not hold it for more than the specified time. Note the time - do not touch the rice for the next 10 minutes.

While the grain is resting, prepare the sushi vinegar. Again, you can buy it in specialized stores, or you can prepare it yourself. Of course, in the original it should be a special rice vinegar, however, we are talking about an adapted version of the rolls, so I still recommend not to lose your head, not waste your money and make do with what you have on hand.

Mix sugar and salt and pour half a cup of boiling water over them. Stir until smooth and leave to cool. After 10 minutes, add vinegar.

Let's move on to rice again. Open the lid, pour the vinegar evenly over the entire surface of the rice and mix with sharp cutting movements. Close again and leave until completely cool.

The next stage is the actual formation of the rolls themselves, and you cannot do without a special bamboo mat with which you wrap nori into rolls.

So, spread a sheet of nori on the mat. Cover approximately half of the sheet along the long side of the nori with rice - lay out a layer no more than 5 mm thick. It is convenient to place a bowl of water next to you and periodically wet your hands: rice is very sticky, and it is better to work with wet hands.

Along the same long side we lay out the filling - cucumber, cut into long strips, fish and a little melted cheese. By the way, a few words about cheese. In this version, it replaces mayonnaise, which I personally don’t like in rolls. If for one reason or another you do not eat processed cheese, replace it with feta or even not very salty cheese. Well, or take mayonnaise, better homemade.

Using a makisu, a bamboo mat, roll the nori, rice and filling into a tight roll. It's not difficult at all - just try once, you'll definitely succeed!

The edge of the nori can be lightly moistened with water so that it sticks to the main part of the roll, or you can simply lay the roll cut side down - and everything will stick together on its own, saturated with moisture from the rice.

Leave the rolls for 15-30 minutes, after which we cut them into portions with a sharp knife.

Serve homemade sushi with soy sauce, pickled ginger, wasabi and lemon. Bon appetit!

In addition to the specified filling, you can wrap the following in rolls:
- any types of fish - both raw and salted, smoked, marinated;
— shrimp, squid, mussels and other seafood;
- avocado, mango, pickled carrots, sweet bell pepper and any other vegetables and fruits to your taste;
— mayonnaise – spicy or regular;
- caviar;
- crab sticks;
- omelette;
- lettuce, green onions and herbs;
- sesame;
- shiitake mushrooms;
- soy cheese tofu, replacing Philadelphia and any other cheeses - both soft and hard.