
Afferent neurons

Afferent nervous system, part of the nervous system. Receives impulses coming from the periphery, processes and transmits information to the central nervous system; its higher centers are connected with the central part of the cerebral cortex, subcortical formations, brain stem and spinal cord; regulates the activity of internal organs, smooth muscle tone, participates in the formation of digestive, secretory, protective reflexes, ensures the maintenance of body posture, skeletal muscle tone, etc.

The totality of afferents of the cerebral hemispheres forms the lateral surface of the cerebral cortex. The plexus of the main nerve bundles of the posterior surface of the spinal cord forms a network-like plexus, which carries centripetal nerve impulses to the neurons of the medial parts of the spinal ganglia, from which two groups of fibers arise - sensory (efferents) and sympathetic.

Efferent fibers can exit both directly from the ventral root ganglia of the spinal cord and from the spinal ganglion by intercostal nerves throughout the entire distance from the space between the gonorrheal cells