Wandering cell at rest

Wandering cell, or macrophage, sedentary - this term describes the process of transition of one cell to another. This process is very important for our body, because it allows us to process and dispose of waste. Wandering cells are macrophages that are constantly in motion and move to different parts of the body. The name "wanderer" comes from the fact that they have the ability to leave their location in search of new cells that require cleaning. This process is called phagocytosis. It plays an important role in the body's immunity.

Once a food product enters the body, it undergoes the process of digestion. Wandering macrophages are involved in this process. Many processes in a living organism are controlled by chemicals (enzymes) that help process or dispose of food. These breakdown products create toxins that need to be destroyed. Macrophages perform a cleansing function and help the body get rid of toxins.

Not only immune cells, but also blood vessels and intestinal walls can become resident marophages. Thus, macrophages and other types of immune cells can transform into other cells. Examples of such cells include muscle cells derived from fat deposits. This phenomenon is called transdifferentiation. For this situation, which will be discussed, transdifferentiation is characterized by the fact that the blood cells themselves, after the process of proliferation, are transformed into vessels. That is, their nuclear component is rounded and includes special elements on the outside to recreate the three-dimensional shape of the vessels. The end result looks like endothelial cells.

Thus, the vagal cell process may be very important for health. To ensure the health of your body, watch your diet and take necessary measures to care for your body.