
Aphrenia is a disorder of memory, concentration, judgment, and psychomotor control due to a brain disease, in which there is often a delay in personality development: low self-esteem, inability to live independently in society, self-affirmation and self-realization, lack of purposefulness in behavior, behavioral selectivity, etc. particularly in the formation and implementation of productive or creative behavior.[1] It is characterized by a lack of criticism of the real situation and situation, isolation from reality, fantasizing, withdrawal into oneself, and a poor reaction to reality. Sometimes there is a loss of volition and self-regulation, infantilism, and mental exhaustion. Aphrenia has a stable course with the possibility of slight changes. Socially dangerous behavior in aphrenia is detected extremely rarely. Typically, such patients live in a family or boarding school. In everyday life, aphrenics are called oligophrenics.