
Agitofarienza? No! Agitofaktiya!

Good afternoon. Today I would like to talk to you about a very interesting phenomenon that was recently recorded in a medical reference book. This phenomenon is called "agitofarienza". I’ll explain to you what agitofarienza is. So, this is an unusual phenomenon where the patient constantly speaks, but his pronunciation is very strange. Typically, patients speak incoherently and out of order - they are trying to get their point across, but their language is mixed with "random" words, concepts or references to other people. Their speech seems confused, jumbled, or even “disconnected.”

But if this phenomenon frightens some students, for psychologists it is a real discovery. They believe that agitafariensia may be associated with mental disorders such as schizophrenia or depersonalization, and may also have various causes. Among them are stress, depression, tremors, withdrawal symptoms, attention deficit and affective disorders.

Thus, Agitafarins are not just a strange property of the language, but a real phenomenon. If you have ever encountered Agitofarzans, then tell other people about what they are. Maybe it will be useful information about another person who is not very good at communicating. But know that every year more and more people are faced with this unusual problem, and every year new treatments appear.