Agranulocytosis Allergic

What are Agranulocytes? Agranulocytopenia is a condition in which the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases to a critical level. A healthy person contains approximately 4.5–8.5 x10¹⁰ cells, and after the transition to the agranulocyte stage, the number of leukocytes drops significantly. During normal functioning of the immune system, with its help the body is able to easily repel attacks from external and internal parasites, but in the case when they arise or enter the body from the outside in large quantities (the so-called invasion), the defenses are powerless. This is how agranulocyte disease begins. If not treated promptly, the acute form can lead to serious complications and even death. What are the causes of this pathology? What should a patient do when faced with this problem? Let's consider. Agranulocytes: how to recognize the disease. The causes of agranulotopenia can be: 1. Acute infectious diseases (viral, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, salmonellosis, etc.), most often appearing during the incubation period; 2. Chronic weakening of the body (prolonged malnutrition, low immunity, constant stress, prolonged overwork, etc.); 3. Exposure to various toxic substances, for example, heavy metals, benzene, chloroform, ionizing radiation and others; 4. Bone marrow pathologies (overdose of various drugs, radiation, presence of a tumor process); 5. Diseases of the blood system (iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, Wilson's disease, immunodeficiency states). The symptoms of agranulotopenia are quite difficult to distinguish by external signs, since this is a whole complex of possible manifestations. Among them are the following: 1. increase in temperature;

2. symptoms of fever (headache, body aches, weakness, apathy, loss of appetite, insomnia, chills); 3. pain in muscles and joints, muscle pain; 4. chills and feeling of heat; 5. bleeding from the nose, gums; 6. hemorrhages; 7. increased sensitivity of the skin to various influences (chemicals, hot water, ultraviolet radiation). The disease is more acute in children. Agarnulocytic syndrome is manifested by dysfunction of organs such as the bone marrow and hematopoietic system. According to statistics, about 5% of the population suffers from agranulotopenia. The pathology poses a particular danger to infants and young children, when the immune system resists external and internal pathogens with reduced strength. Usually