Ahilia Pancreaticus

Achilles pancreas is a disease that manifests itself in the lack of production of the patient’s own pancreatic juice by the pancreas. Often the disease is caused by alcohol abuse or taking medications without a doctor's prescription, which can also inhibit the functioning of the gland. It follows that pancreatic Achilles has many causes, so an accurate diagnosis may take some time.

Achylia of the pancreas is not such a dangerous disease, and until a certain point the patient may not be aware of this disease. The symptoms that it will signal to the patient can often be hushed up and written off as weakness or mild intoxication of the body after prolonged exposure to the sun or eating fatty foods, so identifying the signs can be difficult for the doctor to make a timely diagnosis. Patients complain of constant stool disturbances, heaviness of the stomach, belching, discomfort in