Air Oasis

An air oasis is a part of the production premises that is equipped with local supply ventilation. It ensures the maintenance of improved air conditions compared to the rest of the room and is usually separated by separate partitions. An air oasis is an important part of any production process as it improves air quality and reduces worker exposure to hazardous substances.

An air oasis can be created in various rooms, such as laboratories, offices, production workshops, etc. It can be equipped with various ventilation systems, such as supply systems, exhaust systems, air cooling systems and others. When creating an air oasis, many factors must be taken into account, including the size of the room, the number of workstations, air quality requirements, etc.

The benefits of using an air oasis are obvious. Firstly, it allows you to create a more comfortable working environment, which increases productivity and reduces errors and defects. Secondly, an air oasis helps reduce the impact of harmful substances such as dust, gases and fumes on workers' health. Third, it can help improve indoor air quality, which is especially important for people with allergies or other respiratory conditions.

However, creating an air oasis requires certain costs and effort. It is necessary to install ventilation systems, configure and maintain them, as well as ensure regular cleaning and disinfection of premises. In addition, it is important to consider safety requirements and take all necessary precautions when working with the equipment.

Overall, an air oasis is an important element of any production facility and can significantly improve the working conditions and health of workers. It is important to choose the right ventilation system and ensure regular maintenance to get the most out of the solution.

An air oasis for industrial premises

An air oasis is a part of a production facility equipped with a ventilation unit, including local air conditioning.

Classification: * according to air movement conditions: - with free movement (air movement through openings in the external enclosures of the room