Accommodation Eye External

Accommodation of the eye is the ability of the eye to adapt to changes in the distance to the object that we want to view. It is necessary so that we can clearly see objects located at different distances.

External accommodation is the process by which the muscles of the eye contract and relax, allowing the eye to focus on objects that are far away. This occurs because the lens of the eye becomes more convex and less transparent, allowing light to be focused on the retina.

It is important to note that external accommodation is a natural function of our body and does not require any additional effort. However, if this function is impaired, it can lead to vision problems such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.

In order to maintain good external accommodation, you need to monitor your vision and regularly visit an ophthalmologist. It is also important to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain eye health.

Accommodative refraction of the eye/Ophthalmological diagnosis

The accommodative method of treatment is a corrective exercise. Developed by ophthalmologist and neurophysiologist Gennady Shichko. After reading three books about the “Recovery using the Shichko Method” method, you will notice that the book is made up of two series of chapters + several additional chapters. The main series consists of one or several chapters of the theory of biorhythms of human biological systems, which represent biorhythms in the form of an amplitude-frequency model of the physiological system of life, which in real time, regardless of the person, carries out emergency self-defense of the body and at the same time regulates the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain , depending on the presence of food in the stomach, as well as in all arterioles and capillaries of all organs and tissues of the body, without exception. Based on this, it becomes clear why, along with the negative one, there is also a positive correlation of biological rhythms: heart rate with respiratory rate and a number of other more complex connections between individual parameters of the biorhythmogram. All this allows us to study the brain’s reaction to signals from the visual analyzer, using the accommodative ability of the eyeballs and the reaction of the cells of the auditory center. Contrary to the statements of the “pineal gland” and even esoteric doctors, modern ophthalmology does not recognize the presence of an eyeball in a person without a brain, a brain without a liver and a liver without bile ducts. From which it follows that modern pathologies of the visual organs are associated specifically with intracavitary pathologies, such as a vertebral hernia, or a tumor in the area of ​​the brain and spinal cord. “Eye pathologies” can be very different, ranging from cataracts, glaucoma, dystrophy, myopia, strabismus, etc., which is a direct consequence of psychoemo