
Actinocardiography is a method for studying the cardiovascular system, which is based on the use of actinomycin-sensitive blood cells. This method is used to diagnose and treat various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such as myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, thromboembolism and others.

Actinocardiography was developed in the 1960s by a group of scientists at the University of Pittsburgh. They discovered that actinomycin is a substance that can be used to selectively kill actinomycin-sensitive cells in the blood. These cells have high metabolic activity, which allows them to quickly respond to changes in the cardiovascular system.

To carry out actinocardiography, special cameras are used that allow you to observe the movement of blood in the vessels. During the study, the patient is injected with actinomycin, which selectively affects actinomycin-sensitive cells. The blood then passes through the chamber and changes in blood movement are recorded on the screen.

The results of actinocardiography can be used to diagnose various diseases of the cardiovascular system. For example, changes in blood flow may indicate the presence of blood clots or other obstructions in the blood vessels, which may be associated with a myocardial infarction.

In addition, actinocardiography can be used to assess the effectiveness of treatment for cardiovascular diseases. For example, after heart surgery or pacemaker implantation, actinocardiography results can help determine how well the new device is working.

In general, actinocardiography is an important method for studying the cardiovascular system and is widely used in medicine.

The heart is one of the most important human organs, ensuring a continuous flow of blood throughout the body and back to the heart through the arteries. Various research methods are used to monitor the condition of the heart and its functioning. One of them, actinocardiography, is a method for studying the functioning of the heart using special sensors that are installed on the surface of the body.

Actinocardiograph contains actin, a molecule that binds to the wall of a blood vessel in the presence of active acetylcholine. When the heart contracts, the walls of the blood vessels dilate, allowing actin to enter and form a complex with active acetylchloride. This complex is then recorded by an actinocardiograph camera, which creates a visual representation of the work of the heart.

This method is used to evaluate cardiac function and detect heart diseases such as arrhythmias, heart attacks, coronary heart disease and others. Actinography can also be used to diagnose blood clots or other abnormalities in the circulatory system.

In conclusion, actinography is a modern and reliable method for diagnosing the condition of the heart and circulatory system, which can