Active Visit

Active visit:
Active or physician-initiated follow-up visits are one of the main methods of providing home health care. This method is used to monitor the patient’s health status, conduct additional examinations and treatment, and also to prevent the development of complications.
During an active visit, the doctor examines the patient, listens to his complaints, conducts the necessary examinations and prescribes treatment. In addition, the doctor can make recommendations for lifestyle changes, diet and physical activity.
Active attendance is an important method of providing health care, which allows doctors to monitor the health of patients and take timely measures to prevent the development of diseases.

An active visit is a repeated medical visit to a patient at home, conducted by the doctor on his own initiative. It is carried out in cases where, after an initial visit to a doctor, it was not possible to completely solve the patient’s problem. This allows the attending physician to assess the dynamics of the patient’s health status and make sure that the prescribed treatment has given positive results.

Active follow-up is a repeated medical visit to a patient at home on the patient’s initiative. This may be prescribed by a primary care physician, family physician, or a specialist such as a cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc. Active attendance is an effective way to improve disease control and treatment outcomes.

The purpose of an active visit is to assess the patient's condition, identify potential problems, provide additional advice and treatment, and answer the patient's questions and provide necessary information.

The benefits of active visiting include better management of the patient's illness, greater patient understanding of their condition, greater trust in the physician, and greater engagement in the treatment process. In addition, it may reduce readmission costs and reduce the risk of complications.

However, active attendance has its drawbacks. For example, it can negatively affect the patient's free time, physical and emotional well-being. In this regard, the physician must carefully evaluate the potential risks and benefits of this approach, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the characteristics of the specific situation. In conclusion, an active visit