Obstetric Forceps High

High obstetric forceps are a special instrument that is used in obstetrics to extract the fetus during difficult labor.

The peculiarity of these forceps is that they are applied to the fetal head, which has not yet descended into the pelvis of the woman in labor. This occurs when the presenting part of the fetus is standing high.

The indication for the use of high obstetric forceps is the impossibility of independent advancement of the fetus due to the discrepancy between the sizes of the woman's pelvis and the baby's head.

The procedure for applying forceps is carried out under ultrasound guidance in order to accurately determine the position of the baby's head and correctly grasp it with the instrument without causing harm. This requires high qualifications and accuracy from the doctor.

The advantage of using high obstetric forceps is that they avoid caesarean section in case of premature or prolonged labor. However, this method is used under strict indications and only by an experienced specialist.

Obstetric forceps are one of the most difficult and critical stages of childbirth. If everything goes well, then with the correct use of obstetric forceps, the woman will safely give birth to a healthy baby in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, not everything is so smooth: when using them, cervical ruptures and other injuries are common. But these negative consequences can well be prevented and minimized.

The advantages of obstetric high forceps over other delivery methods are obvious. Firstly, the fetal head is neither in the small nor in the large pelvis, so its position remains unchanged and it is protected from the pressure of the pregnant mother. In a normal situation, a woman in labor puts pressure on the inside of her thigh bones with her head, which can cause serious damage to the baby’s head, and forceps help avoid this. The second significant advantage is the ability to provide emergency medical care for a woman and child. If the head is displaced or the membranes burst during childbirth, this can lead to the rapid development of a birth infection, and timely obstetric high forceps will help avoid complications and preserve the life and health of the mother and baby. Obstetric high forceps may require general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. They should be considered as a last resort during pregnancy, which is complicated by many factors. Before deciding to have a caesarean section, you should consider all the possible risks that may arise. However, many obstetricians believe that if vaginal delivery is not possible, then the decision to use high forceps is justified in the best interests of mother and baby and its risks should be weighed against the potential complications that arise with vaginal delivery. Despite the risks