
Acutomy is a surgical operation that involves cutting tissues, organs or vessels for the purpose of diagnosing or treating diseases. Translated from Greek, “akutomy” means “cut.”

Acutomy is used in various fields of medicine, including surgery, gynecology, traumatology, neurology and others. It can be used to diagnose tumors, cysts, abscesses, hematomas, aneurysms and other diseases. In addition, acutomy can be used to remove foreign bodies, such as bone fragments or bullets, that cannot be removed by other methods.

One of the most common methods of acutomy is laparoscopy. This method uses special instruments to create small incisions in the abdomen and insert a camera and instruments to diagnose and treat diseases. Laparoscopy allows operations on the abdominal organs without damaging them, which reduces the risk of complications and improves treatment results.

Another method of acutomy is endoscopic surgery. This method is used to perform operations on organs and tissues that are located inside the body, such as the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, etc. Endoscopic surgery allows operations to be performed without large incisions in the skin, which reduces pain and the risk of complications after surgery.

Acutomy is an important method for diagnosing and treating many diseases. However, like any other treatment method, it has its risks and complications. Therefore, before performing acutomy, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient’s condition and choose the optimal treatment method.

Thematic headings for the article: 1. “The meaning of the term “Acutomy” and its application in medicine” 2. “Basic principles of acutomy and the technique of its implementation” 3. “Advantages and risks of acutomy operations” 4. “History of the emergence of acutomy as a method of treatment” 5 "Comparison of acutomy with other treatment methods"

Introduction: Acutomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing part of an organ or tissue through an incision or dissection. This is a relatively new treatment method