
Algesimeter is a device for determining the threshold of skin sensitivity to various stimuli, especially painful ones.

The algesimeter allows you to study skin sensitivity using various stimuli - mechanical, thermal, cold, etc. It is used in medicine and psychophysiology to study pain sensitivity, as well as to diagnose sensitivity disorders in various diseases.

The operating principle of the algesimeter is based on a gradual increase in the intensity of the stimulus until the patient feels pain. The threshold of pain sensitivity is recorded according to the readings of the device. There are various modifications of algesimeters - needle, thermal, electric, etc.

Algesimeter is a device that is used to determine the threshold of skin sensitivity to various irritants. It is especially useful in diagnosing pain and other unpleasant sensations in the body.

The operating principle of the Algesimeter is based on measuring the electrical resistance of the skin. When the skin is exposed to an irritant, its resistance decreases, which is recorded by the device. This process can be caused by various factors such as heat, cold, pressure or pain.

Algesimeters can be used to determine sensitivity thresholds to different types of pain, such as pain from a prick, burn or blow. They can also be used to diagnose other types of discomfort, such as itching or burning.

In addition, Algesimeters are widely used in scientific research and medical research to evaluate the effectiveness of various treatments for pain and other conditions.

Algesimeriin or bolmemi is a sensory pain detector that measures the severity of pain in the skin. It is used to diagnose and treat pain and to study pain regulation. The algizometer consists of two parts: an electrode, which is connected to a perfusor (a mechanical device