
Onirism (from the Greek ὄνειρος - dream) is a state of consciousness in which a person experiences the sensation of being in a waking dream.

This phenomenon is quite common among completely healthy people. However, in rare cases, oneirism acquires a pronounced and stable character, which can lead to disruption of a person’s ability to adapt to the surrounding reality.

Strong and prolonged onirism is sometimes one of the manifestations of a schizoid personality type or asthenic syndrome. In these cases, consultation with a psychiatrist is required to prescribe adequate treatment.

In general, onirism in mild and moderate form can be a variant of the norm and does not require medical intervention. It is enough to change your lifestyle, sleep and wakefulness, and, if possible, reduce your stress load.

Oneirism: Dreams come to life in reality

Oneirism, also known as “daydreaming,” is a surprising phenomenon that can occur in completely healthy people. While many of us are familiar with the concept of dreaming, this state takes it to the next level, bringing it into the real world, breaking the line between sleep and reality. Oneirism can occur in varying degrees of severity, and in some cases it can significantly affect a person's ability to adapt to everyday life.

Understanding oneirism requires extensive study of dreams and the relationship between the brain and the perception of reality. During sleep, our brain creates virtual worlds and situations that we perceive as reality within the dream. However, with onirism, these virtual worlds and situations come to life in our minds, introducing themselves into the real world. This can come in a variety of forms, from visual hallucinations to sensations such as smells and sounds that we usually only associate with sleep.

Oneirism can have various causes and mechanisms of manifestation. In some cases, it is the result of a particularly active subconscious, which remains active even after awakening. In other cases, it may be associated with mental disorders such as schizoid or asthenic personality. People suffering from such disorders may experience intense and uncontrollable manifestations of oneirism, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to real life and interact with the world around them.

While oneirism can be destabilizing for some people, it can also provide unique opportunities to explore human consciousness and perception. Some people who are able to become aware of their dreams and control their content may use oneirism as a means of creativity and inspiration. They can explore their deepest thoughts and fantasies and gain new insights into reality.

Research on oneirism is still in its early stages, and many of its aspects require further study. Understanding the causes and mechanisms of this phenomenon can help develop effective treatments for those who suffer from severe manifestations of oneirism that interfere with their daily life. It is also important to conduct further research to expand our knowledge of the potential benefits and possible risks of oneirism, as well as how to use it for constructive purposes.

In conclusion, oneirism, or “daydreaming,” is a surprising phenomenon that can occur in perfectly healthy people, but when severe, can impair a person’s ability to adjust to everyday life. The study of oneirism and its effects on humans is important for our understanding of the connection between dreams and reality, as well as for the development of treatments and the use of this phenomenon for constructive purposes. Further research in this area will help us expand our knowledge and open new horizons in understanding human consciousness and perception.

The name of this phenomenon means “waking dreams”. This phenomenon represents lucid dreams, which are not accompanied by deep sleep and are more common in healthy people. However, oneirism can lead to a person being unable to adapt to everyday life.

Lucid dreaming is the ability to experience dreams while you are awake and your mind remains clear enough to monitor your environment and interpret the images. They can appear both against the background of complete physical and emotional relaxation, and in conditions of vigorous activity. Sometimes people experience lucid dreams while in a transcendental state - when the nervous system is in a hyperarousal state and continuously transmits information from the body to the brain.

And the art of controlling dreams to achieve your goals is a well-known topic in the world of psychology. There are many practices and methods for maintaining awareness in reality and turning them into beneficial benefits. Thanks to lucid dreams, people can strengthen their state of mind, increase awareness, improve memory, emotional state and much more. Knowing that you are in a dream means that you need to perceive this state as reality, even if it is there.