Erysipelas of the brain and lichen

Sometimes erysipelas and lichen also occur in the brain itself. In this case, the pain is strong and the burning is also strong, but there is a coldness in the face, since the warmth is hidden, and because of this it turns yellow, especially the eyes, and then suddenly warms up and turns red, but in most cases remains yellowish and cold. Dry mouth can be severe. With these diseases there is no hibernation, as with phlegmon, but their manifestations are more terrible and the fever is more severe. Their treatment is the same as the treatment of subara; in most cases they kill on the third day, and if they do not kill, the patient is saved.

Sometimes children experience erysipelas of the brain, with the crown and eyes becoming sunken, the eyes turning yellow and the whole body drying out. They are treated by applying cooled egg yolks with rose oil to the crown of the head, applying them every hour, and this helps. They also apply wet and cold squeezed juices and vegetables to the head, especially pumpkin, as well as melon peels and kissa peels.