Algorithm Control

A control algorithm is an algorithm for the functioning of some control system.

The control algorithm determines the operating logic of the control system and describes the sequence of actions that the control system must perform to achieve its goal.

Main characteristics of the control algorithm:

  1. Purposefulness - the algorithm is focused on achieving a specific management goal.

  2. Determinism - at each step it is clearly defined which action should be performed.

  3. Massive - the algorithm allows you to solve a whole class of similar control problems.

  4. Effectiveness - guarantees that the required result is obtained when performed correctly.

  5. Cost-effective - achieves the goal in a minimum number of steps.

The control algorithm underlies the functioning of various automated control systems - from household appliances to complex technical complexes. A properly designed algorithm allows the control system to function effectively under given conditions.

A control algorithm is a data structure that describes the device and control mechanisms of the algorithm, which allows you to effectively execute the algorithm on network workstations: provide information about the process of executing the algorithm to workstations, and distribute resources among competing processes. This is the meaning of their control influence.

The control algorithm——runs under the control of the operating system. When performing some tasks, sometimes there are difficulties with moving existing files in the main (system) directory, for example, after executing the ls command, there are files in the directory that have the same file names, and the ls command is no longer executable. In addition, there is a possibility of incorrect distribution of tasks. This occurs when the operating system places two processors of the same type next to each other. If, when the first cycle starts, one processor successfully completes its part of the work, then the second begins to execute from the position in which the first processor did not finish its work. This leads to the fact that in parallel two processors begin to execute a fragment of each other’s program, which may result in a shortage or exhaustion of one of the variables. This phenomenon is called the “race effect.” This