
Alienation (from Latin alienatio - alienation) is a psychiatric term meaning:

  1. A condition in which a person believes that his thoughts are controlled by someone else from the outside (personal depersonalization). It is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia.

With alienation, patients complain that their thoughts, feelings and actions are controlled by outside forces. They may hear "voices" that comment on their behavior or give commands. This condition is associated with a violation of the boundaries of the “I”, when one’s own thoughts are perceived as someone else’s.

  1. Psychosis is a pathological state of the psyche, characterized by a disorder of thinking and perception, accompanied by delusions and hallucinations.

Alienation as a psychosis manifests itself in a separation from reality, a distorted perception of the surrounding world and one’s own personality. With severe alienation, a person completely loses touch with reality.

Thus, alienation is a pathological state of the psyche in which the integrity of the individual and its connection with reality is disrupted. It is characterized by a loss of control over one's own thoughts and feelings. Alienation is one of the main symptoms of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.

Alienation (from the Latin alienatio - alienation) is a term used in psychiatry to describe a condition in which a person believes that his thoughts and actions are controlled by someone or something outside. Alienation is one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.

During alienation, a person feels that his personality is split into two. He loses control over his own thoughts and actions, which, in his opinion, are imposed from outside by external forces. The patient may hear “other people’s” voices in his head, commenting on his actions and thoughts. Sometimes he attributes his thoughts and actions to specific people or organizations, believing that they “control” him through hypnosis, chips and other technical means.

Thus, alienation is an extreme form of depersonalization, where a person completely loses his sense of self and individuality. This is a very serious mental disorder that requires immediate psychiatric intervention and treatment. Psychotherapy and drug treatment with antipsychotic drugs help overcome alienation.

**Alienation** *(English alienation - alienation)* is a state when a person feels that he does not control his thoughts and actions, that they depend on someone or something outside of his control. This feeling of alienation can be caused by various reasons, such as illness, injury, stress or psychological trauma.

**Alienation is one of the** **symptoms of schizophrenia**. In this mental disorder, a person loses touch with their emotions and may lose the ability to control them. He may also stop feeling satisfied in his life and not understand the reasons for his actions.

But **alienation can also be the result of a psychological disorder**, such as trauma.