Allergen From Meadow Fescue Pollen

Allergen from meadow fescue pollen: characteristics and application

Allergic reactions to pollen are a common problem that affects many people around the world. One of the most common allergens is meadow fescue pollen. To treat allergies to this allergen, immunobiological drugs are used, including an allergen from meadow fescue pollen.

The allergen from meadow fescue pollen is a product produced by the Russian company Allergen Stavropol. It is an intradermal solution containing 10,000 PNU (pollenized allergenic units) per ml. The drug is supplied in 5 ml bottles complete with a test capsule for skin testing.

Meadow fescue pollen allergen is used to treat allergic reactions to fescue pollen. The drug contains meadow fescue pollen extract, which causes an immune response in the patient’s body and promotes the gradual development of immunity to the allergen. With proper use of the drug, allergic reactions to fescue pollen can be significantly reduced or completely eliminated.

It is recommended to use the drug only under the supervision of an allergist. Treatment begins with the administration of a minimum dose of the allergen to assess the patient's individual sensitivity. The dose is then gradually increased until the maximum therapeutic dose is reached. Treatment continues for several months, after which control skin testing is carried out and the effectiveness of therapy is assessed.

In conclusion, the meadow fescue pollen allergen is an effective immunobiological drug for the treatment of allergic reactions to this allergen. However, before you start using the drug, you must consult with an allergist and strictly follow the recommendations for its use.