Allergen From Rice Cereals

Rice grain allergen is a drug used to diagnose and treat allergic reactions to rice.

Country of origin - Russia.

Pharm group - Immunobiological preparations.

Manufacturers - Biomed named after Mechnikov (Russia).

International name - Rice grain allergen.

Dosage forms - solution for intradermal administration in ampoules of 4.5 ml, complete with a tuberculin syringe.

Rice grain allergen is used for skin allergy testing to diagnose rice allergy. The drug is administered intradermally in a dilution of 1:1000-1:10000. If there is an allergy, a local reaction is observed - redness and swelling of the skin.

The allergen can also be used for hyposensitization therapy in patients with severe allergic reactions to rice cereals in order to reduce sensitivity to this allergen.