Basal granules

Basal granules are one of the structural components of the skin. They are located in the lowest layer of the epidermis, directly above the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Basal granules are important for the functioning of the skin, as they participate in the process of its regeneration and protection.

The main function of basal granules is to synthesize and secrete lipids, which form a protective barrier for the skin. This barrier prevents moisture loss and protects the skin from environmental stressors such as UV rays, pollution and toxins.

In addition, basal granules contain melanin, which is a natural skin pigment. Melanin protects the skin from UV rays and prevents sunburn and other damage.

In addition to their protective functions, basal granules are also involved in the process of skin regeneration. They contain enzymes that destroy connections between old cells and promote their detachment. This process allows you to renew your skin and keep it healthy and youthful.

It is important to note that disruption of the functioning of basal granules can lead to various skin problems, such as dryness, flaking, irritation and even the development of certain diseases. Therefore, maintaining the health of basal granules is an important aspect of skin care.

In conclusion, basal granules are an important component of the skin, ensuring its protection, regeneration and health. Maintaining granule basal function can be achieved through proper skin care, including using moisturizers and sunscreens, and avoiding harmful exposures such as UV rays and pollution.