Allergen From Citrus

Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and grapefruits are popular food items around the world due to their pleasant taste and aroma. However, not all people can enjoy these fruits as they may cause an allergic reaction. Citrus fruit allergies are not as common as nut or dairy allergies, but they can still be dangerous to your health.

To treat allergies to citrus fruits, an allergen from citrus fruits is produced in Russia. This drug is an immunobiological drug produced by the company Biomed named after. Mechnikov in Russia. The citrus allergen is presented in the form of a solution for intradermal administration with a volume of 4.5 ml in a container with a test pocket.

Citrus fruit allergen contains proteins that cause an allergic reaction when citrus fruits are consumed. Introducing small doses of a citrus allergen allows the body to gradually get used to it and reduce the risk of an allergic reaction when eating citrus fruits.

Although citrus allergen is an effective treatment for citrus fruit allergies, its use should only be done under medical supervision. Patients with an allergy to citrus fruits should carefully monitor their diet and avoid consuming foods containing citrus fruits.

In conclusion, citrus fruit allergy can be a health hazard, but citrus fruit allergen can be used to control it successfully. However, allergen use should only be done under medical supervision, and patients should avoid consuming products containing citrus fruits to prevent possible allergic reactions.