Aloe extract liquid for eyes

As medical practice shows, every second person has encountered ophthalmological problems. Eye diseases can be triggered by a variety of factors, among which inflammatory processes occupy a leading position. Be that as it may, any pathology requires careful diagnosis and timely treatment.

Incredibly, aloe vera, which grows on many housewives’ windowsills, can speed up the healing process for many diseases. This popular plant can be grown both at home and in the wild. Two types of plants are used in cosmetology: aloe vera and ordinary agave.

Properties of aloe

The juice of the plant has medicinal properties; it can even be used to treat chronic eye diseases. Its regular use can improve visual acuity, remove swelling and relieve the inflammatory reaction.

Aloe extract is rich in the following beneficial components: beta-carotene, B vitamins, choline, folic acid, vitamin A, magnesium, chromium, zinc, potassium, calcium. The interaction of these components normalizes metabolism in the lens, prevents its clouding, which serves as a good prevention of cataracts.

In addition, the plant is beneficial for the skin around the eyes. The skin under the eyes is vulnerable and very delicate. Accordingly, caring for her should be, on the one hand, intensive, and on the other, easy. Cosmetologists use the plant to lengthen eyelashes. To do this, aloe juice is mixed with vegetable oil.

The widespread use of aloe for the eyes is due to the following properties of the plant:

  1. delivery of oxygen to skin cells;
  2. increasing the strength and elasticity of the skin;
  3. participation in the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  4. moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin;
  5. tonic effect.

The plant combats dryness and flaking of the skin, it is also effective in treating sunburn and scratches. If you look at the composition of various cosmetic products for sunburn, wrinkles, bags, redness and bruises, most of these products contain aloe vera.

Let us highlight the main properties that aloe juice has for the eyes:

  1. antibacterial. Possibility of use for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, as well as fungal diseases;
  2. anti-inflammatory. Thanks to this, the product is used to treat skin diseases and internal diseases;
  3. healing – treatment of ulcers and burns;
  4. relieving irritation from dermatitis and allergic reactions.

In cosmetology, the plant is used to combat problem skin, acne and rashes. Agave has pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Aloe extract according to Fedorov

Aloe extract is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that contains active components that can fight various eye diseases. The product helps prevent conjunctivitis, myopia, farsightedness, cataracts, glaucoma and other diseases. It is prohibited to use the drug if you have an individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the action of the components included in the composition:

  1. water with silver ions. Demineralized water is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It moisturizes, restores and rejuvenates damaged tissues;
  2. Honey is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. The product is used to provide the eyeball with nutrients. Bee honey restores the damaged structure of the eyeball;
  3. Adenosine is a component that accelerates the recovery process. The substance improves microcirculation and metabolic processes. Adenosine relieves puffiness - a common symptom of many eye diseases;
  4. B vitamins have antioxidant properties and improve retinal function;
  5. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Ascorbic acid improves tissue nutrition and reduces the risk of hemorrhages;
  6. benzalkonium enhances the antiviral and antiseptic effects.

Indications for the use of aloe extract are the following diseases:

  1. chorioretinitis;
  2. myopia;
  3. diabetic retinopathy;
  4. dystrophic changes in the retina;
  5. blepharitis;
  6. keratitis;
  7. iritis;
  8. glaucoma;
  9. staying at the computer for a long time;
  10. traumatic injury;
  11. infectious eye diseases;
  12. cataract;
  13. for the purpose of prevention for the elderly.

Depending on the underlying disease and the extent of the damage, drops are used for four to six weeks. The dosage is one to two drops two to three times a day. If the remedy was prescribed to people whose work involves spending a long time at the computer, then treatment can last up to two months.

Drops and lotions

In order to prepare the drops, it is best to use the lower thick leaves of a three-year-old plant. Before extracting the juice, you must place the cut leaf in the refrigerator. Then you should trim the thorns, grind and strain.

Let's consider the options for using the plant in the treatment of various diseases:

  1. cataract. Mix freshly squeezed juice with mumiyo. The mixture should be instilled one drop twice a day. Before using the product, it must be kept in the refrigerator for two weeks. You can also make lotions. To do this, dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1:10. It is also useful to rinse your eyes with the resulting solution;
  2. conjunctivitis. Grind the aloe leaf to a paste. The resulting mass is poured with water and brought to a boil. After the mixture has been filtered, it is applied to a swab and wiped over the skin around the eyes;
  3. barley. To treat the disease, use aloe tincture prepared in water. Crushed aloe leaf is diluted with cool water, left to infuse overnight, and then filtered. Use the remedy until complete recovery.

Aloe for the skin around the eyes

This sensitive area requires gentle handling. Even the cream should be applied carefully using light touches. The first facial wrinkles appear at a young age. Aloe vera can be added to ready-made creams, lotions, masks and tonics.

Consider the recipe for a powerful mask:

  1. Agave juice;
  2. fresh honey;
  3. yolk of one egg.

All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The resulting mass is stirred until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The mask is applied to the skin around the eyes for fifteen minutes. Then the product is carefully washed off.

Now let's look at a popular recipe for a product that will help get rid of crow's feet and fine wrinkles. To prepare the mask, take the following ingredients:

  1. aloe juice;
  2. clean and rose water;
  3. honey;
  4. visceral fat.

Take all ingredients except fat and place in a water bath. Once skimmed, add the grease and mix thoroughly. The resulting mask is stored in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator.

Next, we will discuss a recipe for eyelid skin that will help relieve fatigue. You can even use the product according to this recipe in the form of a lotion. First of all, you need to stock up on the following components:

  1. xanthan gum;
  2. pink water;
  3. Castor oil;
  4. agave.

Add gum to heated rose water, stirring thoroughly. As a result, the xanthan gum granules should completely dissolve. Then add aloe juice and castor oil. The resulting product should be used for two weeks, after which a new one should be prepared. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and apply to the area around the eyes for twenty minutes.

For people with dry skin, especially in the cold season, a mask recipe is suitable, which is a good prevention of expression lines and dark circles under the eyes. Mix agave, milk and egg yolk. If there is no yolk, then take cream.

This mask option will help get rid of wrinkles: mix a tablespoon of aloe gel with a banana and pass through a blender. Then add a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice. The facial skin is first cleansed, after which a mask is applied for twenty minutes.

For aging skin, a recipe is suitable, for the preparation of which you will need cottage cheese, honey and aloe juice. First, the mask is applied for twenty minutes, then washed off with water. Next, apply a nourishing cream to your face.

A mixture of aloe gel and glycerin will help reduce swelling and remove wrinkles. The ingredients are dissolved in a small amount of water. You can also enrich the mask with honey.

Can I make my own drops?

In order to avoid complications and infection, it is necessary to follow the rules of sterility. The cut leaf of the plant is washed under hot water. Experts recommend using the leaves of a three-year-old plant, because during this period aloe has time to accumulate nutrients that will actively affect the eyes.

To prepare the mask, you must use sterile gauze and a container. Use a clean, sterile swab to wipe the eye. Aloe drops are instilled for cataracts, myopia, conjunctivitis, as well as inflammation of the eyelids and irises.

For eye diseases, remedies made from honey and aloe are especially valued. There are many variations in the preparation of medicine based on these products. Let's consider the most popular:

  1. To improve vision, mix honey and juice, then add boiled water. The resulting mass should be infused for a week in the refrigerator, after which it is used in the form of eye drops. Let's look at another recipe. The crushed agave stem is poured with boiling water. Then the product should infuse for 24 hours. After the product has been filtered, honey is added to it, mixed thoroughly and sent to the refrigerator. One drop should be placed into the eyes three times a day in the following cases:
  2. for cataracts, a tablespoon of aloe vera juice and honey is poured with one hundred grams of boiled water. The product is thoroughly shaken and left in a cool place for half an hour. You should put one drop in your eyes before going to bed;
  3. for glaucoma, prepare the following honey solution: a tablespoon of honey, 30 ml of aloe vera and a glass of cool water. Wash your eyes with the medicinal solution twice a day for a month.

Aloe Activator

The product is a stabilized aloe gel, allantoin, and an organic agent that promotes cell growth and renewal. The drug contains a component that helps prevent microbial infection. The mask moisturizes, cleanses the skin, and also removes dead particles.

Aloe Activator is a natural product that is made from the pulp of the plant. A napkin is moistened in this product and applied to the area around the eyes for half an hour. If there is swelling, Aloe Activator is mixed with crushed ice.

The product has the following medicinal properties:

  1. nutrition;
  2. cleansing;
  3. hydration;
  4. smoothing;
  5. tightening of pores;
  6. relieving inflammation;
  7. restoration of vision.

The gel has a wide range of therapeutic and aesthetic effects. It can be used for all skin types. Aloe Activator has no analogues. Before using the product, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin. This will minimize the presence of allergens and pathogenic microorganisms. For eye drops, it is better to dilute the product in equal proportions with distilled water.


Aloe eye treatment is not a myth, but a real opportunity to get rid of various ophthalmological disorders. Aloe vera relieves inflammation, moisturizes, nourishes the eye, and also helps restore damaged tissue.

The plant is widely used in both medical and cosmetology practice. Aloe eliminates dryness, flaking, redness, swelling, and also fights fine wrinkles. The plant fights serious diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and conjunctivitis.

Making an effective aloe mask is easy. The combination of aloe and honey is very popular. It is important to exercise caution when treating children. Experiments may harm your child. Consult your doctor for details of using aloe vera and stay healthy!

The description is valid on 22.08.2015

  1. Latin name: Aloe extract flu >


1 ml extract includes 360 mg of fresh leaves tree aloe – active ingredient.

Minor ingredients: water, sodium chloride.

Release form

The medication is available in the form of a subcutaneous (subcutaneous) injection solution, in ampoules of 1 ml. One pack can contain 5 or 10 ampoules.

pharmachologic effect

Regenerative, adaptogenic, antiseptic, laxative, anti-inflammatory.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Aloe extract liquid in ampoules is biogenic stimulant and thanks to its active ingredient it is characterized by tonic, adaptogenic, laxative, choleretic, antiseptic and regenerative effectiveness.

The use of subcutaneous solution has a beneficial effect on regeneration And trophism damaged fabrics, resistance of mucous membranes to exposure damaging factors, and also improves metabolic processes, passing inside cells, accelerates regenerative tissue processes and enhances nonspecific general resistance human body.

The drug also activates defense systems granulocytes, has a positive effect on appetite, increases energy potential spermatozoa and characteristics of their mobility.

Indications for use

Subcutaneous injections of the drug are prescribed for:

  1. blepharitis;
  2. pigment retinitis;
  3. conjunctivitis;
  4. iritah;
  5. keratitis;
  6. progressive myopia;
  7. vitreous opacification;
  8. optic nerve atrophy;
  9. myopic chorioretinitis;
  10. Trachomas;
  11. inflammatory processes of eye vessels;
  12. gastrointestinal ulcer (in complex treatment).


The use of injection solution is prohibited when:

  1. intestinal obstruction;
  2. personal high sensitivity to aloe or other components of the drug;
  3. severe cardiovascular pathologies;
  4. ulcerative colitis;
  5. arterial hypertension;
  6. pregnancy;
  7. Crohn's disease;
  8. acute gastrointestinal disorders (including diarrhea);
  9. hemorrhoids;
  10. metrorrhagia;
  11. appendicitis;
  12. hemoptysis;
  13. abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  14. breastfeeding;
  15. kidney pathologies/liver;
  16. cystitis;
  17. severe nephroso-nephritis;
  18. diffuse glomerulonephritis;
  19. cholelithiasis;
  20. under the age of 3 years.

Side effects

Gastrointestinal organs:

  1. feeling sore throat;
  2. pain in the abdomen;
  3. symptoms dyspepsia.

The cardiovascular system:

  1. tidesblood to the pelvic organs;
  2. increased blood pressure.

The immune system:

  1. hyperemia;
  2. itching/rashon the skin;
  3. hives;
  4. other allergic manifestations.


  1. hyperthermia;
  2. increased menstrual bleeding;
  3. feeling dizziness;
  4. feeling burning sensation;
  5. changes/pain in the injection area.

Aloe extract liquid for injection, instructions for use

The drug is intended exclusively for subcutaneous administration. The use of Aloe extract liquid for injection intramuscularly and intravenously is strictly prohibited.

Before the injection, you should check the ampoules for the presence of sediment and, if it is detected, before opening the ampoule, vigorously shake to achieve the formation of a homogeneous solution.

Typically, depending on the diagnosed disease state, 30 to 50 injections are prescribed. Subcutaneous injections are carried out daily, in dosages depending on the age of the patient.

At the age of 3-5 years, 0.2-0.3 ml of the drug is prescribed per day.

After the age of 5 years, the daily dosage is 0.5 ml of medicine.

Adult patients usually require treatment in a daily dose of 1 ml. In 24 hours, the maximum allowable dose is 4 ml.

Repeated treatment courses can be prescribed at intervals of 2-3 months.


If used excessively in excess of the indicated doses, existing symptoms may arise or intensify. side effects.

The prescribed treatment method must correspond to the observed symptoms.


In case of parallel use with means that enhance hematopoiesis (hematopoiesis), as well as with iron supplements observed an increase in their effects.

Compatible with diuretics PM, glucocorticoids and drugs licorice may cause potassium deficiency in organism.

Also to a decrease in the level in the body potassium leads to prolonged use of the drug, which may result in increased effects antiarrhythmic drugs And cardiac glycosides, if used.

Avoid mixing the extract with other liquid drugs in the same bottle/syringe.

Terms of sale

Purchasing Aloe in injectable dosage form requires a prescription.

Storage conditions

Storage temperature restrictions are up to 25 °C.

Best before date

From the date of manufacture – 3 years.

special instructions

For warning soreness in the area of ​​injection, preliminary injection of 0.5 ml of 2% into this place is allowed novocaine. Injections novocaine can be practiced only if it is normally tolerated, for which you need to do it in advance allergy test.

For children

The injectable drug can be prescribed to children only after reaching 3 years of age.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

The liquid extract is not used for pregnancy And breastfeeding, since its mechanism biostimulating the effects have not been sufficiently studied.


Most often, reviews of Aloe extract liquid for injection are positive and talk about the natural composition of the drug, its high efficiency, availability of purchase and the virtual absence of negative side effects.

There are people who have even used liquid aloe extract for hair, with a view to their fortifications and aloe extract liquid for the face, for skin rejuvenation and getting rid of blackheads. Let us remember that drugs based on Aloe are available in various dosage forms and are more suitable for cosmetic procedures juice or liniment from this plant, but it is better to leave the injection solution in its area of ​​application.

Price, where to buy

The price of aloe extract liquid for injection varies between 120-180 rubles for 10 ampoules.

Aloe extract liquid for eyes

Ampoules with aloe extract

Indications for use

There are the following indications for the use of aloe in ampoules:

  1. ocular inflammatory diseases (conjunctiva, iris, ciliary margin of the eyelids, anterior transparent membrane, blood vessels and retina, ciliary margin of the eyelids, caused by infection or allergy);
  2. retinal disease of a hereditary nature;
  3. deterioration of distance visibility;
  4. cataract;
  5. reduction in the size of the optic nerve;
  6. pathologies of the upper respiratory tract;
  7. eye diseases caused by chlamydia;
  8. gynecological diseases;
  9. in complex therapy of gastric and duodenal ulcers.


Aloe extract in ampoules is used to treat the following pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. stomach ulcer;
  2. disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  3. increased gas content;
  4. gastroduodenitis.

Liquid aloe extract is used to increase appetite in conjunction with other drugs.


Aloe in ampoules is used to treat the following gynecological diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature:

  1. vulvitis;
  2. genital warts;
  3. inflammation of the cervix;
  4. erosion;
  5. endometritis;
  6. ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  7. pelvic peritoneum.

Liquid aloe extract is also prescribed to restore the body after surgery. Injections should not be used during menstruation or while pregnant. Is it possible to eat ginger during pregnancy?

Chronic respiratory diseases

Application of aloe extract in ampoules in otorhinolaryngology and pulmonology:

  1. inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  2. tonsillitis;
  3. Chronical bronchitis;
  4. pneumonia.

The extract is also used to kill harmful microbes. Treatment of runny nose and cough with aloe juice.

Trophic ulcers

Liquid aloe extract is used in dermatology. It is used to treat trophic ulcers and other skin lesions. The product is applied by rubbing into the skin.

For face

The drug is suitable for any skin type. Aloe in ampoules for the face has the following effects on the skin:

  1. moisturizing and nourishing effect;
  2. helps improve complexion;
  3. activates cell restoration due to the content of uric acid oxidation products;
  4. Aloe extract for the face helps rejuvenate the skin.

For hair

The drug is suitable for any hair type. It has the following effects:

  1. restores the activity of the exocrine glands, thus removing dryness and oiliness;
  2. promotes hair growth;
  3. restores hair structure;
  4. slows down the process of hair loss;
  5. aloe extract for hair eliminates dandruff and fungus;
  6. promotes healthy scalp.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using aloe in ampoules include the following rules:

  1. injections of the drug are given daily, subcutaneously. A total of thirty to fifty injections are prescribed;
  2. the volume of one injection should not exceed three to four milliliters;
  3. the dose is administered to adults once a day for two weeks;
  4. depending on the condition of the disease, the doctor may extend the course of treatment;
  5. the full course of therapy should last no more than two months;
  6. children under five years of age are given liquid aloe extract of no more than 0.3 milligrams;
  7. for children over five years old - up to half a milligram.

How to give injections?

Before the first injection, you need to shake the contents and do a test with a minimum amount of the drug in order to prevent allergic reactions. To prevent pain during injections, it is necessary to use painkillers (for example, novocaine).

Injections must be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Externally (for cosmetic purposes)

The preparation is used to prepare cleansing tonics, masks, scrubs for the face and hair. The product can be mixed with other beneficial substances, and can also be used without any additives.

The extract is rubbed in a circular motion into the skin so that it acquires elasticity and moisture. Using aloe vera for acne.


The product must not be used in the following cases:

  1. children under eighteen years of age;
  2. individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels (coronary disease, atherosclerosis, rheumatic carditis);
  5. liver dysfunction;
  6. haemorrhoids;
  7. appendicitis;
  8. intestinal obstruction;
  9. increased gastric secretion;
  10. a woman carrying a child;
  11. abdominal pain of unknown origin.

Side effects

The following side effects from injections are possible:

  1. on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (sore throat, abdominal pain and poor digestion, possible diarrhea);
  2. heart and blood vessels (increased blood pressure and hot flashes);
  3. immune system (the appearance of allergic reactions, itching and rash);
  4. increased body temperature, pain and irritation at the injection site, feeling of dizziness.

Review of reviews about treatment with agave

Reviews about aloe in ampoules are mostly positive. The drug is effective for treating both humans and animals (many people use it mainly for eye diseases in cats). When used according to the instructions for aloe in ampoules, many people did not experience any negative effects. The product gives significant results in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and female pathologies.

According to the official instructions for the use of aloe liquid extract, it helps restore damaged tissues and has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. In this regard, many women, on the recommendation of a doctor, successfully use it as a nourishing and moisturizing agent for facial skin. The drug is added to masks and scrubs, and also mixed with other ingredients (olive oil, sour cream, etc.).

There are also negative reviews about the drug. Some people, having heard unproven information, believe that the use of aloe can cause the formation of cancerous tumors.

Useful video

Aloe extract is the active ingredient in many creams, lotions, tonics, and facial balms. It can also be used as an independent cosmetic product:
