Alopecia, Baldness

Alopecia, or baldness, is the absence of hair where it usually grows.

Non-scarring alopecias is baldness in men, most often observed in several male members of the family; Male pattern baldness in women (androgenetic alopecia) is characterized by hair loss with age.

Acute hair loss (telogen effluvium), in which most or all of a person's hair falls out but then begins to grow back, can develop after pregnancy or a serious illness.

In the case of alopecia areata (alopecia arcata), the patient develops bald areas on which hair can begin to grow again; This disease is a type of specific autoimmune disease.

With scarring (or cicatricial) alopecias, the lost hair no longer grows; Examples of its manifestations include lichen planus and discoid lupus erythematosus.

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Alopecia, Baldness, is a condition in which there is no hair on the scalp or other areas of the body. This can be caused by various reasons and manifest itself in different forms.

Non-scarring alopecias is a form of baldness that does not leave scars on the skin. It can be inherited and manifest in men, most often in the form of male pattern baldness. This condition is characterized by gradual hair loss on the top of the head and the back of the head. Women may also experience androgenetic alopecia, which is associated with age and is characterized by hair loss on the top of the scalp.

Acute hair loss (telogen effluvium) is a condition in which most or all of a person's hair falls out but then begins to grow back. This can happen after pregnancy or a serious illness. In most cases, hair restoration occurs within several months.

Alopecia areata (alopecia arcata) is a condition in which patches of baldness appear on the scalp, which can be round or oval. This is a type of specific autoimmune disease. In most cases, hair in such areas of the skin begins to grow again after a few months.

Scarring (or cicatricial) alopecias is a form of hair loss that leaves scars on the skin. Hair in such areas no longer grows. This condition can be caused by various causes, including lichen planus and discoid lupus erythematosus.

Treatment for baldness depends on its cause. For some forms of baldness, medications are available that can help restore hair growth. In other cases, a hair transplant may be required. Additionally, people with hair loss may wear wigs or use other means to hide balding areas.

In conclusion, baldness can be caused by various reasons and appear in different forms. It is important to see a doctor if you notice hair loss or baldness on your body to determine the cause and find the best treatment.

Alopedia (baldness) is the absence or cessation of hair growth on any part of the body, regardless of age and gender. A certain degree of alopedia is the norm or a variant of the age norm. Alopedia affects people with reduced hair growth, skin diseases of the scalp (the most important follicle for hair growth), hormonal changes or other causes. Alopedia is most severe in children - first with an accumulation of itching, redness and crusts on the inflamed areas of the scalp, then the process affects them all. Here you can find all the ways