Alopecia Congenital

Congenital alopecia is the name given to uniform and widespread hair loss in children during fetal development or immediately after birth. The disease is common among children, but adults also suffer from it.

The basis of the disease is albinism, when a person has a lack of melanin, which colors the hair, so it is light in color. Other causes of the disease include insufficient hair pigmentation due to genetic mutations or heredity. Amenorrhea is also possible - the absence of menstruation in women and a change in the rate of hair growth on the skin with a close connection with internal diseases.

Symptoms of congenital alopecia most often appear already in infancy or closer to one year. Hair loss is noticeable both on the forehead and on the back of the head. Young specialists working with such patients note that their hair growth areas (back, chest, buttocks, arms, upper legs) are susceptible to complete baldness.

Symptoms of the disease are manifested by such factors as: - Lack of visible hair; - Gastrointestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea); - Body temperature is reduced (35 degrees); - Violation of the body's thermoregulation. Do not hesitate to seek help and advice from a doctor - this is very important for maintaining not only health, but also a normal life in general!