Alopecia Congenital General

General congenital alopecia is the complete uniform baldness of the patient's head, usually observed at birth or after the first two years of life. The disease is more common in men; caused by a hereditary factor - autosomal recessive.

Both forms of general hair damage are susceptible to alopecia: ectodermal external, caused by hypoplasia of the hair follicles and apical appendage of hair due to a violation of trophic factors, and endodermal internal, characterized by loss of functions of the hair follicles due to the influence of chemicals on the nerve trunks innervating the follicles.

The function of the parasympathetic innervation of the hair shaft and the barrier function of the skin change, resulting in a loss of elasticity of the parabasal zone. The process of baldness in itself is not a disease. This is a phenomenon. Promotes the development of the infectious process and the addition of viruses to them helps speed up the process. There is a decrease in the area of ​​the scalp. The hair becomes thinner, loses pigment and falls out. Ulcerations are observed. They form triangular, rounded areas of intact skin of pale color. Treatment