Alveococcus Multilocularis

What is the essence of the problem? Why is alveococcus so dangerous for humans?

**Alveococcosis is a parasitic disease caused by the tapeworm Alveococcus -syn. Echinococcus.**

According to various sources, this helminthiasis affects from 450 to 983 thousand people around the world. It is known that the percentage of infection depends on the geography of residence, which primarily includes countries with developed livestock farming. Most often, people living with livestock are infected with alveolar lesions. For example, in Russia this disease is rare, probably because trade in meat and dairy products is prohibited without testing. Control.

How does infection occur?

The helminth spreads through raw or poorly cooked meat and fish, especially those caught in water bodies. Parasites can enter the body through the skin and mucous membranes